An 8-bit variation of the Terminator theme would have nailed it
A great video and a great tune, unfortunately completely out of touch from each other. A moodwise adjusted 8-bit variation of the Terminator theme would have nailed it.
A great video and a great tune, unfortunately completely out of touch from each other. A moodwise adjusted 8-bit variation of the Terminator theme would have nailed it.
Fuck, I’d totally forgotten what a great movie this was.
I use the Miro player and usually stack up a few days worth of shows.
@turtlegirl112 Jahas, YouTuben sähköposti-ilmoitukset kommenteista yms. olivat näköjään pois päältä, joten nyt vasta huomasin kommenttisi.
Tukka tuskin kasvoi silminnähden, tai siis jos kasvoikin silminnähden, niin ei kuitenkaan oikeasti.
What’s with the weird delayed beat between 1:09-1:10?
Hi lynette,
Excellent, thank you so much!
Please provide the downloadable .sis package for Qik Lite on your website. As a misfortuned Nokia user I’m supposed to use Nokia’s Ovi, but it’s a shitty service to put it nicely. It’s not possible to redownload Qik (or any other app for that matter), so once it’s gone from a phone, it’s gone. All I need is the installation package to reinstall, but forcing me to use Ovi means there’s no way I can get the package, which means there’s no way I can get Qik on my phone anymore.
Tänne pitäisi saada se maitojuomamainos, jossa pikkupojat puhuvat piereskelystä!
I forget the question of the day, so I’ll just complain about the camera being out of focus. Oh, and favorite.
I found the English subtitles somewhat lacking, so I retranslated and resubtitled this: universalsubtitles (dot) org /en/videos/VCO8qUWjrZLk/en/
Suomenkielinen tekstitys sellaista kaipaaville: universalsubtitles (dot) org /en/videos/VCO8qUWjrZLk/