Viestit paikassa WordPress Codex

All right, I’ll have to stick with the shortcode approach

26. tammikuuta 2016 klo 9.21
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Codex
Avainsanat: WordPress

All right, thanks for the response. As I said, the shortcode approach works just fine so I’ll have to stick with that, and create my own custom post type if/when necessary.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Codex)

Only shortcode, no gallery posts?

24. tammikuuta 2016 klo 16.56
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Codex
Avainsanat: WordPress

The description page clearly says the plugin features a ”Gallery custom post type”, but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to publish or even preview those posts. I can add galleries and use the short link on other post types, but the editor for galleries has no ”preview” functionality and there’s no way to view gallery posts on the front end on their own. I’d expect to be able to view the galleries at /(gallery_post_type_slug)/(gallery_post_slug).

Looking at the custom post type code (includes/class-posttypes.php), the ’public’ and ’rewrite’ args to register_post_type() have been set to false, which according to Codex documentation causes what I’m seeing. The args variable has a filter so I could override it; does this imply that I’m intended to add a filter to have the galleries work as a viewable post type and not just something used behind the scenes by the plugin?

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Codex)

No WordPress (3.0+) equivalent

7. huhtikuuta 2011 klo 11.18
Sijainti: Wikit: WordPress Codex

According to Andrea_r over at WP forums, there’s no equivalent for this function in WP proper now even though Mu has been integrated. (Was wondering about this myself and thought I’d link this info here in case someone else is too.)

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