Update to upstream version 41 in Precise for security fixes

9. huhtikuuta 2015 klo 8.02
Sijainti: Vianhallintajärjestelmät: Launchpad
Avainsanat: Chromium, turvallisuus

This morning Gmail notified me that my browser is unsupported, which made me realize Chromium for Precise hasn’t been updated since September 2014 and is currently at version 37 (37.0.2062.120-0ubuntu0.12.04.1~pkg917) whereas more recent versions of Ubuntu are already at Chromium version 41. The ”unsupported version” messages are of course harmless and easy enough to dismiss, but I’m guessing the newer Chromium releases also have important security fixes that should warrant an update – unless there are compatibility issues blocking it from happening?

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Launchpad)