Ohjelmistovirhe aiheuttanut kaupoille ehkä miljoonatappiot

“It-palveluyhtiö Solteqin ohjelmistovirhe on saattanut aiheuttaa päivittäistavarakauppiaille useiden miljoonien eurojen tappiot. Kauppalehden mukaan kauppiaat pelkäävät asiakkaiden saaneen ostoksiaan ilmaiseksi, koska kassajärjestelmä on jättänyt ne laskuttamatta. […]

Solteqin myymäläjärjestelmiä ovat käyttäneet muun muassa Aleksi 13, Halonen, Marimekko, Tokmanni, Top-Sport ja Vaatehuone.”


Teens gain valuable social skills online

“Instead of steering them away from their computers, parents should recognise that teenagers sharpen important social skills online, say psychologists and anthropologists studying internet behaviour.

They stress that many of the traditional teenage hangouts, such as convenience stores and parks, have banned these youngsters or become viewed as unsafe. […]

In the online communities they form, teens choose empathetic leaders rather than ones that bombard them with advice, says Justine Cassell, also of Northwestern University.”

New Scientist

Keitai KunKun – Smelly "Ringtones"

“Is the first among the world! It is news universal design in “odor” at arrival of the mail of a cellular phone!
It is epoch-making mobile accessories to inform of arrival of the mail of a cellular phone in “odor”.Hangs it on a strap of a cellular phone, and faint odor opens at every telephone and arrival of the mail of an email for five seconds.”

Pixen Inc. via Linkdump

Jens of Sweden's Nano-Killer

“[Jens of Sweden’s MP-500] is slightly shorter and thicker than the [iPod] Nano, as well as a hair heavier. It’s definitely pocket-friendly. […] It supports MP3, WMA, and OGG audio files, as well as MP4 video files. Jens even throws in a video transcoder for converting WMV, AVI, ASF, MPG, and MPEG files. […] Finally–and this is really the icing for me–the MP-500 works with Windows, Linux, and Mac. Sweet.”

Alpha via Juha