Vatican Radio employees present pope with specially loaded iPod nano

“A group of Vatican Radio employees gave Pope Benedict XVI a brand new iPod nano loaded with special Vatican Radio programming and classical music. To honor the pope’s first visit to the radio’s broadcasting headquarters, the radio’s technical staff decided the pencil-thin, state-of-the-art audio player would make the perfect gift.

Now that Vatican Radio offers podcasts in eight different languages, the pope has the technological capability to plug in and import the radio’s audio files.”

CNS via iLounge via hittegodsbyrån

Jens of Sweden's Nano-Killer

“[Jens of Sweden’s MP-500] is slightly shorter and thicker than the [iPod] Nano, as well as a hair heavier. It’s definitely pocket-friendly. […] It supports MP3, WMA, and OGG audio files, as well as MP4 video files. Jens even throws in a video transcoder for converting WMV, AVI, ASF, MPG, and MPEG files. […] Finally–and this is really the icing for me–the MP-500 works with Windows, Linux, and Mac. Sweet.”

Alpha via Juha

Hard Drive Clock

A clock built out of a hard disk drive “Have an old hard drive that no longer works? As long as it still spins up chances are you could build a clock out of your old hard drive! You will need some electronic knowledge, some common electronic components and a bit of patience.”

A. Parekh via Juha


Infrapunanäppäimistö “Bluetooth[-]ominaisuudella varustettu Infrapunanäppäimistö jonka voit heijastaa työpöytääsi ja joka sitten välittää napinpainallukset langattomasti PDA:han, taskutietokoneeseen tai älypuhelimeen. Kuulostaa aivan liian futuristiselta ollakseen totta. Tämä on kuitenkin totta ja äärimmäisen mahtavaa!” via ykstoista

Pat Says Now Computermaus

Läpikuultavasta, sinisestä muovista tehty hiiri “Pat Says Now is Switzerland’s first manufacturer of individual computer mice. We design and produce mice in all shapes and colors. Pat Says Now combines Swiss quality with innovative ideas and creative designs – we bring color into office life and make working truly fun!”

Pat Says Now via Kissapesula

Tietokone kehitysmaiden lapsille

“MIT:n mallin, lempinimeltään “Green Machine” voimantarve on pieni ja kone ladataan veivattavalla kammella. Kone toimii yhtä lailla tietokoneena, sähköisenä kirjana, TV:nä tai pelikonsolina. Siinä on vähän herkästi särkyviä osia. Laite toimii 500 Mhz:n prosessorilla. Yhden laitteen hinta on noin sata dollaria. […]

Koneiden ideoinnissa on huomioitu myös se, että niistä voi tulla köyhissä maissa haluttu ryöstelyn ja mustan pörssin myyntikohde. Tämä uhka torjuttaisiin siten, että koneita olisi kaikkialla ja niistä tehtäisiin helposti tunnistettavia, mikä estäisi jälleenmyynnin.”


Apple faces lawsuit over Nano displays

“Apple […] faces a lawsuit that alleges the company knew its nano portable music player was defective but still decided to press on with the product’s release last month. […]

The lawsuit, filed in San Jose, California on Wednesday, claims that the nano scratches “excessively during normal usage.” It alleges that though Apple knew the nano had design problems, it released the product and led consumers to believe it was durable — forcing them to shoulder the cost of replacing defective music players.”

Reuters via Afterdawn