Last week, after receiving the ”Important updates to your Flickr account” notification email I deleted my Flickr account, associated with my Yahoo account. Today I received two new copies of the ”Important updates to your Flickr account” email. I tried to access the old Flickr account to make sure it has been deleted, but logging in with my Yahoo account only creates a new Flickr account, which is not what I want.
What I want is to have no more email messages sent to me from Flickr.
I also tried logging in using my Gmail address (which also appears to have a Yahoo account associated with it), but opening after that also just creates a new Flickr account every time. I keep deleting these accounts, only to be handed a new one every time I go back to
Back in April-May, I received altogether 5 separate messages informing me about the SmugMug ownership business, so something’s clearly not right with your emailing system, or with the records you have of me.
Your email messages should follow the semi-standard practice of including a footer with a clear explanation of why exactly am I receiving the email and what I should do if I wish to stop receiving them. The ToS and Community Guidelines links (currently in the footer) are all but useless in this context.
Edullinen hinta, supernopea toimitus, hyvät kaupat!
Kemintien alikulussa on ilmeisesti sateiden jäljiltä liukasta raparällikköä, jonka väistäminen pimeässä tunnelissa jalankulkijana kasvattaa riskiä jäädä pyöräilijöiden alle.
”Vastauksesi ovat tallennettu”, ja tietysti vasta sen jälkeen, kun viimeinenkin kielinatseilutilaisuus oli vastaajalta mennyt.
I’m unfamiliar with ThinLinux, but is there a good reason you cannot use your desktop environment’s settings application to adjust display settings? The wiki article is quite old, and while some of it may still be valid, display detection and GUI settings tools have improved over the years. Those tools should be the preferred method of adjusting settings, barring exceptions such as brand new hardware with lacking support.
Sama vika kuin viime syksynä: valot eivät vaihtuneet jalankulkijoille vihreiksi vaikka tilauspurnukan lamppu syttyikin napista.
Here’s a transcript of the interview by (and with interspersed comments from) a Finnish ex-JW; here’s the (relatively legible) Google translation (in English).
Lumen alla vaarallisen sileää jäätä, edes nastakengillä ei meinannut pysyä pystyssä.
`libinput debug-events` should show scrolling and other pointer events so that you can at least see the numbers have changed according to your custom configuration.
Richardson mentioned that Lepsy smoked an obscure brand of cigarette, and that DB Cooper left a pack behind when he jumped off the plane. Does he know if Cooper’s cigarettes were of that same obscure brand?
Sorry if this was addressed in the episode and I just missed it.