Has anyone ever found themselves thinking anything beyond the apps and perhaps the files lenses are useful? Only half /s here, I love Unity as much as the next guy (maybe even more), but perhaps my workflow is just stuck in the past as I never even touch the Dash unless I need an app not currently locked to my Launcher. The first thing I do after installing a recent release is a big apt-get –purge for all other scopes, just to better see those apps which are all I (ever) need.
Ehkä siltä oli sienet loppu. Jonnet ei muista…
This does work in browsers (both desktop and mobile as you said), but not in the G+ app which is a bummer.
Olen kahden vaiheilla tästä. Melkein kaikki Vartiotorni-seuran tuottama on enemmän dadaa kuin Lehti, joten koko aliredditin voisi hukuttaa juttuihin sieltä – jolloin vitsi lakkaisi hyvin pian huvittamasta.
/r/Pareidolia edellyttää ”unintentionally”, siksi siellä eivät lisätyt silmät yms. yleensä menesty.
I’d love to have this too, and to have it come down from the top of the screen only once I push the mouse cursor all the way to the top edge. 90% of my menu clicks these days are clicks I meant to hit browser tabs with.
What is this, a cache for ants?