Notes as I go: my attempt to develop a Home Assistant integration, part 2

The documentation keeps referring to “my API”, but leaves everything about it up to imagination. How should I name the file? What code should I put there, and what should I not?

The MyEvent example, which I adapted for my, keeps failing to load, because it “has no attribute ‘async_setup_entry'”. I get it to shut up by adding a dummy by that name as a function — not as a method.

I grab some logging code from someone else’s Bluetooth integration and adapt it to my _async_has_devices(), to see if I need to do any actual filtering. But none of it ever gets run, despite HA announcing a device being detected by my integration.

In the end I decide it’s not going to be as easy as I’d hoped with the config_flow_discovery scaffolding. I’m going to have to invoke Bleak to be able to subscribe to BLE notifications, which are what my button uses to communicate press events, and which, apparently, are not part of HA core for now. So I revert the changes and go back to the longer version.

The first TODO there is for user data schema. I won’t have users input any configuration, so out it goes, as does all of validate_input(), and async_step_user() in ConfigFlow. Likewise for PlaceholderHub (“Remove this placeholder class and replace with things from your PyPI package”).

According to “Discovery steps“,

“When an integration is discovered, their respective discovery step is invoked (ie async_step_dhcp or async_step_zeroconf) with the discovery information.”

This means it should be async_step_bluetooth() for mine. I wish it was listed, along with all other variants, instead of just the two examples, to help googling. An accompanying example would be even better.

The last item on the list of things the discovery step should do is:

“Invoking a discovery step should never result in a finished flow and a config entry. Always confirm with the user.”

Again, not even a hint about this in the documentation, but most core integrations appear to implement a async_step_bluetooth_confirm(), and call it at the end of async_step_bluetooth(). There’s also _set_confirm_only(), which seems like what I need, but again, no documentation anywhere.