Screw that
Screw that
S/he should still be in caterpillar form :)
I wonder what are the changes of getting pwned on one of those nowadays, with all the known security holes. Could be not even the crooks bother anymore though.
Back in the day, I used to use Baruch Even’s WebSec just for this. It seems unmaintained nowadays unfortunately, but might still work.
1. Ubuntu
2. Unity
3. Vim, Gedit
4. Gmail (on the web)
5. Chromium
6. Screen, yes
Interesting. I used to think psychopaths had certain immunity against suicidal behavior, but turns out that idea of Cleckley’s is now considered outdated in literature, at least according to ”Psychopathy, Antisocial Personality and Suicide” by Verona, Patrick & Joiner. (In their own study, they too found positive correlation between the impulsive/antisocial component of PCL-R (F2) and suicidal behavior.)
But why would you put any weight on what a pathological liar and someone probably poorly skilled in introspection told about themselves? (Not saying a tv show is that much more reliable as a source though.)