Can your computer run Windows Vista?

This service from ATI & System Requirements Lab looks at your computer’s hardware and system software to determine whether or not your current system can run Windows Vista. Each of your computer’s components is evaluated to see how well it meets the minimum, recommended and optimal requirements for Microsoft’s new operating system. If needed, recommendations are made on how to update or upgrade your computer.

ATI via Knuttz’s

My system would’ve passed the test otherwise but the graphics adapter (a Radeon 8500) failed:

FAIL: Sorry, your video card does not meet this minimum requirement. Upgrade to a more powerful video card will make all your applications look better. Click the We Recommend button to see some great options.

Wait, don’t tell me… those options wouldn’t just happen to be cards with ATI chipsets on them by any chance? Yep, a Radeon X1300 Pro and a Radeon X1300.

Naturally, I wouldn’t mind getting one of those…