jQuery-style function calls with callback parameters & parameter expansion defaults


  1. I’m still learning my way with jQuery.
  2. Code here is pseudocode carved from functioning code (and even then only partly so), so it’s untested in real world.

I was curious as to how jQuery does parameter expansion in event handlers with callbacks. Googling I could only come up with resources that would call their custom functions with parameters given as object literals, like so:

  parameter1 : 12345,
  parameter2 : "foo"

, which, when using a callback parameter, would go something like:

  parameter1 : 12345,
  callback : function() {
    return true;

Now, there’s nothing wrong with that as such. What I wanted however, was to be able to call my custom functions in the elegant way jQuery does it, without the object literal brackets surrounding the parameters, like so:

myFunc(12345, function() {
    return true;

Here’s how I could achieve this:

jQuery.fn.myFunc = function() {
	var options = {
		parameter1 : (arguments[0] || 0),
		callback : (arguments[1] || function() { return false; })

        return options.callback();

One Reply to “jQuery-style function calls with callback parameters & parameter expansion defaults”

  1. P.S.: I first tried delving into jQuery source code to find out how exactly the real gurus do it, but found it soon easier to conjure up something myself.

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