2024-10-09 @ 11.42.23 ∈ In English
The Disappearance of an Internet Domain
On October 3, the British government announced that it was giving up sovereignty over a small tropical atoll in the Indian Ocean known as the Chagos Islands. […] The decision to transfer the islands to their new owner will result in the loss of one of the tech and gaming industry’s preferred top-level domains: .io.
2024-10-01 @ 12.07.38 ∈ Suomeksi
Kauniit maapallon renkaat ja Fennoskandian kraatterit
Syyskuussa Earth and Planetary Science Letters -lehdessä julkaistu [artikkeli] haastoi viimeisten vuosikymmenten käsitykset ordoviikkikauden kivisateesta. [Artikkeli ehdottaa], että kaukana asteroidivyöhykkeellä tapahtuneen L-kondriittien emäkappaleen hajoamisen sijasta säpinää oli paljon lähempänä.
2024-08-16 @ 9.06.44 ∈ In English
Minuscule wasps enlisted to fight off moths in new pest control strategy
Rentokil plans to release entosite parasitoid wasps into the nooks and crannies of museums, heritage sites and homes to stop moth infestations. The minuscule wasps measure less than 0.5mm in size, and they stop moths reproducing by parasitising their eggs and laying their own eggs inside the moth eggs, preventing the larvae from hatching.
2024-06-10 @ 18.13.35 ∈ In English
Excessive vegetation in Arabia triggered massive butterfly migrations in 2019 across Europe and Africa: Study
Pollen analysis showed that butterflies collected in Scandinavia had visited flowers of typically Mediterranean or Eastern European plants, while those collected in the Iberian Peninsula showed pollen from Northern Europe.