In alphabetical order:Geranium sylvaticum, Hypericum maculatum, Knautia arvensis, Potentilla erecta, Ranunculus acris, Scorzoneroides autumnalis, Stellaria graminea, Succisa pratensis, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens.
kesäkuu 2024
2024-06-27 @ 11.17.36 ∈ In English
2024-06-27 @ 11.14.53 ∈ In English

Frog ‘saunas’ help endangered frogs survive the devastating impacts of a deadly fungal disease
The research team found artificial 'hotspot' shelters built from readily available materials, such as bricks and PVC greenhouses, can allow frogs to quickly 'bake off' infections with the chytrid fungus. When frogs shifted to hotspot shelters, chytrid infections were reduced significantly.
2024-06-24 @ 17.09.37 ∈ Suomeksi
2024-06-23 @ 16.09.10 ∈ In English
2024-06-21 @ 19.25.49 ∈ In English

World-First Experiment Reveals Why Some People Never Get COVID-19
Where most people mount a rapid immune response against the invading virus in their blood, these volunteers showed a subtle but much faster reaction in their nasal tissues that included the activation of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells and a drop in inflammatory white blood cells, which cleared the virus before it set in.
2024-06-21 @ 10.52.17 ∈ In English
2024-06-19 @ 16.22.59 ∈ In English

Biomechanics of sound production in high-pitched classical singing
Lead author Matthias Echternach adds, "It is truly amazing how some female singers can generate the extremely high tensions in their vocal folds that are required to produce these high-pitched sounds without incurring any vocal health issues. Why some singers succeed while others don't must remain open for now."
2024-06-19 @ 16.17.31 ∈ In English

Starlings found to expend 25% less energy in follower position compared to flying solo
A multidisciplinary, multi-institutional team of researchers in the U.S. has found that starlings that fly in a follower position expend 25% less energy than when they fly solo. […] They also found that the birds that were the most naturally energy-efficient tended to adopt the leader role more readily and easily.
2024-06-19 @ 16.13.46 ∈ Suomeksi
Pyydämme havaintoja Lappeenrannassa toukokuun lopulla liikkuneesta miehestä
Törkeän ryöstön yritys tapahtui Lappeenrannan keskustassa perjantai-iltana 31. toukokuuta. Mies on voinut liikkua alueella muutamia päiviä ennen rikosta eli toukokuun viimeisellä viikolla. Rikoksesta epäilty tallentui kauppakeskus Gallerian parkkihallin valvontakameroihin tekoiltana.