elokuu 2023
2023-08-30 @ 20.26.09 ∈ Suomeksi

Paiwand Zahid pysäytti Turun puukkomiehen: ”Kuka olisi ollut seuraava uhri, jos en olisi pysäyttänyt häntä?”
Turun tiistai-iltaisessa puukotuksessa loukkaantui yksi ihminen. [Brasilialaista jujutsua nuorena Tammisaaressa harjoitellut ja lajissa kilpaillut Paiwand Zahid] piteli yksin noin 30-vuotiasta puukottajaa poliisin tuloon asti.
2023-08-29 @ 17.37.55 ∈ In English
2023-08-29 @ 12.03.03 ∈ Suomeksi

Tutkimus: Kodin sisäympäristön homeet ja hiivat eivät lisää astmaan sairastumisen riskiä - Tiedote - THL
Kodin sisäympäristön sienet eli homeet ja hiivat eivät ole yhteydessä lasten lisääntyneeseen riskiin sairastua astmaan. Tämä selviää Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) uudesta tutkimuksesta, jossa analysoitiin noin 380 suomalaisen kodin mikrobisto.
2023-08-28 @ 19.03.59 ∈ In English

COVID-19 virus is evolving rapidly in white-tailed deer, new research finds
The combined findings suggest that the white-tailed deer species is a reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 that enables continuing mutation, and that the virus's circulation in deer could lead to its spread to other wildlife and livestock.
2023-08-28 @ 19.00.02 ∈ In English

‘Oh my God’: live worm found in Australian woman’s brain in world-first discovery
The doctors and scientists involved in her case hypothesise that a python may have shed the parasite via its faeces into the grass. They believe the patient was probably infected with the parasite directly from touching the native grass or after eating the greens.
2023-08-26 @ 19.36.26 ∈ In English

CVE-2020-19909 is everything that is wrong with CVEs | daniel.haxx.se
This is a story consisting of several little building blocks and they occurred spread out in time and in different places. It is a story that shows with clarity how our current system with CVE Ids and lots of power given to NVD is a completely broken system.
2023-08-25 @ 13.45.01 ∈ Suomeksi
2023-08-24 @ 13.56.07 ∈ In English

Bold and beautiful: Amazing Creatures in the new LEGO® Ideas The Insect Collection
The natural world is filled with outstanding beauty. From the largest creatures to the smallest, the colors and shapes of nature are often as spectacular as they are diverse, and nowhere is this diversity more on display than in the wonderful world of insects. To celebrate these beautiful creatures, we’re proud to release the LEGO® Ideas The Insect Collection.