heinäkuu 2024
2024-07-30 @ 14.29.25 ∈ In English
New study finds people alter their appearance to suit their names
A new study has found that people tend to alter their appearance to suit their names. The researchers sought to determine whether parents choose a baby name based on what seems fitting for the baby’s appearance, or if individuals’ facial appearances change over the years to align with the social stereotypes associated with their names.
2024-07-29 @ 19.40.51 ∈ In English
What will climate feel like in 60 years?
To find places that have a climate today most similar to the expected future climate in your city, the web app uses some fancy number crunching for thousands of cities, towns, and suburbs across the globe to answer the question: If I wanted to experience what my city’s climate is expected to be like in the future, where should I go? We suspect the answer will surprise you.
2024-07-29 @ 15.55.51 ∈ Suomeksi
Suomen 6. rääkkähaikara Nivalassa – Bongariliitto
24.7. kuvasi Päivi Uusivirta Nivalassa pienen vaalean haikaran, joka oli ilmoitettuna Tiiraan lehmähaikarana. 25.7. laji varmistui kuvista Suomen kuudenneksi rääkkähaikaraksi (Ardeola ralloides). Edellisen kerran rääkkähaikara on nähty Suomessa (vain yhden havainnoijan näkemänä) Heinolassa kesäkuussa 2009, mutta edellisestä bongattavasta linnusta on peräti 34 vuotta, Reisjärvellä 28.9.1990.
2024-07-27 @ 10.58.45 ∈ In English
200,000,000 observations on iNaturalist! · iNaturalist
This week iNaturalist passed another big observation milestone: 200,000,000 verifiable observations! It took iNaturalist 14 years to reach 100 million and just 2 more years to reach 200 million. […] Let’s take a closer look at these observations as 200 dots where each represents 1 million observations.
2024-07-27 @ 10.44.13 ∈ In English
2024-07-25 @ 10.30.17 ∈ In English
(Slightly surprising to me that this wasn’t known, or assumed already. Here’s discussion about the paper on the iNaturalist forum.)
When it comes to butterflies, people prefer pretty ones: That’s a problem for scientists.
[Users] underreported many species, particularly those that were difficult to identify and those with light-colored markings on their wings. Behavioral traits, such as butterflies' flight style and height, and traits that make butterflies difficult to photograph, may have affected reporting patterns, the researchers surmise.
2024-07-25 @ 10.19.16 ∈ In English
(From May; direct link to music video on YouTube)
2024-07-22 @ 19.46.17 ∈ Suomeksi
2024-07-20 @ 19.36.05 ∈ Suomeksi
Poliisi kaipaa havaintoja Rovaniemellä
Poliisi kaipaa havaintoja kadonneesta 16-vuotiaasta nuoresta naisesta, joka on kadonnut Rovaniemellä Ounasvaaran alueelta lauantaina aamupäivällä. Kadonneella oli yllään valkoinen pitsimekko, vaaleansiniset lenkkarit, 156 cm pitkä, hoikka ja pitkä vaalea tukka. Lisäksi kadonneesta kuva liitteenä.