2024-11-09 @ 17.35.40 ∈ In English
2024-10-31 @ 17.09.07 ∈ Suomeksi
Luontotohtori | Järvestä nousi laituriankkurin mukana korallia muistuttava möhkäle, jota asiantuntijakin ihailee
Kyseessä on yksi järviemme erikoisimmista ja hienoimmista eliölajeista[,] järvisieni. Se ei nimestään huolimatta ole sieni lainkaan, eikä kasvikaan[,] vaan lasketaan kuuluvaksi eläinkuntaan.
2024-07-12 @ 14.23.50 ∈ In English
2024-07-08 @ 17.36.22 ∈ In English
Brain size riddle solved as humans exceed evolutionary trend
"For more than a century, scientists have assumed that this relationship was linear—meaning that brain size gets proportionally bigger, the larger an animal is. We now know this is not true. The relationship between brain and body size is a curve, essentially meaning very large animals have smaller brains than expected."
2024-07-05 @ 10.15.23 ∈ In English
Identifier Profile: @k8thegr8 · iNaturalist
If you’re photographing a caterpillar, Kate recommends getting at least three photos: one the top of the caterpillar, one of the side showing all the sets of legs, and a photo of the face (aka head capsule). It’s also really important to note the host plant (or make an observation of the host plant and get it identified on iNat). Even then, she reminds us that not all caterpillars (or adults) can be identified to the species level from photos alone.
2024-06-10 @ 18.13.35 ∈ In English
Excessive vegetation in Arabia triggered massive butterfly migrations in 2019 across Europe and Africa: Study
Pollen analysis showed that butterflies collected in Scandinavia had visited flowers of typically Mediterranean or Eastern European plants, while those collected in the Iberian Peninsula showed pollen from Northern Europe.
2024-06-08 @ 14.40.11 ∈ In English
2024-04-02 @ 11.07.11 ∈ In English
2024-03-08 @ 18.24.38 ∈ In English
Egg-laying caecilian amphibians produce milk for their young, find scientists
The research team observed that the young of the Brazilian caecilian Siphonops annulatus consumed milk for over two months, which appears to be secreted in response to tactile and acoustic stimulation from the mother's cloaca. The milk consists mainly of fats and carbohydrates and is produced in the glands of the female's oviduct.