(From February 2023)
2024-04-26 @ 16.25.43 ∈ In English
Carbon Offsets Don’t Work. Here’s Why
Individuals, companies and governments “offset” carbon emissions by paying to plant trees or fund solar panels in one place, so they can emit them elsewhere. Carbon credits are exchanged in the open market with the idea that carbon prices will go up – forcing companies to emit less. Dr. Rae Wynn-Grant looks at why carbon offsets may not solve the climate crisis.
2024-04-02 @ 11.07.11 ∈ In English
2024-03-25 @ 18.21.54 ∈ In English
2024-02-05 @ 20.10.31 ∈ In English
Getting rid of bed bugs: Trickier than ever
[Tropical] bed bugs have turned up in the United States, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Finland, China, Japan, France, Central Europe, Spain — “even in Russia, which would have once been unthinkable,” says [Chow-Yang] Lee, of the University of California, Riverside.
2024-01-26 @ 18.47.21 ∈ In English
2023-12-15 @ 12.22.35 ∈ In English
‘I’ve never seen anything like this’: Japan says reason behind 1,200 tonnes of fish washing ashore is unknown
Experts have speculated that the migratory fish in both areas had become stranded after being chased to the point of exhaustion by amberjack and other predatory fish. Mass mortality events can also occur when there are sudden drops in the water temperature, causing the fish to go into shock, they added.
2023-11-20 @ 18.46.12 ∈ In English
The world’s 280 million electric bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars
[Electric bikes and mopeds are] displacing four times as much demand for oil as all the world’s electric cars at present, due to their staggering uptake in China and other nations where mopeds are a common form of transport.
2023-10-23 @ 19.06.51 ∈ Suomeksi
(Julkaistu aiemmin Skeptikko-lehdessä 2020-2)
Mystiset kyvyt taottiin tatamiin Kiinassa
Huuhaan monipuolinen maailma tunkeutuu moneen harrastukseen. Yliluonnollisilta väitteiltä ei vältytä kamppailulajien parissa. Ilmiö tuntuu toistuvan samassa muodossa eri kulttuureissa. Muinaisten taistelulajien mestarit tietävät salaisuuksia, joilla he pystyvät kaatamaan hyökkääjiä ilman fyysistä kosketusta.