2024-08-15 @ 16.58.59 ∈ In English
Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60
The first wave of changes included molecules linked to cardiovascular disease and the ability to metabolise caffeine, alcohol and lipids. The second wave of changes included molecules involved in immune regulation, carbohydrate metabolism and kidney function. Molecules linked to skin and muscle ageing changed at both time points.
2024-07-19 @ 8.18.36 ∈ In English
The redpoll finch saga: How two bird species just became one
[The] hoary redpoll finch, a small, plump bird commonly found in the Arctic, will be reclassified as the same species as the common redpoll finch, a smaller bird found in similar habitats. This announcement came as a direct result of a CU Boulder-led study which found that, despite their different looks, very few genetic differences exist between the two types of birds.
2024-04-23 @ 17.20.52 ∈ In English
2024-02-21 @ 18.56.02 ∈ In English
Analysis shows butterfly and moth genomes are mostly unchanged despite 250 million years of evolution
The team found not only were chromosomes incredibly stable, but the order of genes within them was too. […] However, researchers uncovered a rare subset of species such as the blue butterflies—Lysandra—and the group containing cabbage white butterflies—Pieris—that underwent extensive chromosome reshuffling[.]
2023-11-24 @ 10.26.38 ∈ In English
Moth found in West London is a new species from Australia
In 2021 an amateur moth-er living in Ealing, West London, opened her moth trap to find something she didn’t recognise. […] Detailed analysis of the moth, including both morphology and DNA, revealed that the insect was indeed a new species to science, but one that is native to Western Australia rather than Ealing.
2023-11-16 @ 12.46.15 ∈ In English
2023-06-12 @ 11.11.40 ∈ In English
Cause and Cure Discovered for Common Type of High Blood Pressure
The cause is a tiny benign nodule, present in one-in-twenty people with hypertension. The nodule produces a hormone, aldosterone, that controls how much salt is in the body. […] The researchers also discovered that this form of hypertension could be cured by unilateral adrenalectomy – removing one of the two adrenal glands.
2021-12-21 @ 13.52.47 ∈ In English
Genetic determinants of liking and intake of coffee and other bitter foods and beverages - Scientific Reports
In summary, our genetic analysis suggests the psychostimulant effects of caffeine outweighs the bitterness of caffeine. A greater preference for caffeine based on genetic differences in the physiological effects of caffeine leads to a stronger preference for the taste/smell of coffee and dark chocolate. Similarly, greater sensitivity to the adverse physiological effects of caffeine was associated with avoiding the taste of coffee.
2021-08-10 @ 14.52.51 ∈ Suomeksi
Hattulasta löydetty 1 000-vuotias vainaja paljastui muunsukupuoliseksi – arvostettu yksilö rikkoi sukupuolirooleja jo rautakaudella
Suontaan Vesitorninmäestä vuonna 1968 löytyneen vainajan sukupuolesta on vuosikymmenien ajan esitetty eri näkemyksiä. […] Pahasti hajonneesta dna:sta selvisi, että vainajalla oli sukupuolikromosomiyhdistelmä XXY eli Klinefelterin oireyhtymä.