2025-02-05 @ 17.22.36 ∈ Suomeksi
2025-01-29 @ 19.17.03 ∈ Suomeksi

Asteroidi 2024 YR4 tuli ja meni – ja tulee vuonna 2032 uudelleen vaarallisen lähelle
[Törmäyksen] todennäköisyys on 1,2% %, eli varsin pieni, mutta silti suurempi kuin millään asteroidilla tai komeetalla juuri nyt. [… Asteroidi on arviolta] samaa mittaluokkaa kuin vuonna 1908 Tunguskassa suurta tuhoa aiheuttanut asteroidi tai [Arizonan suuren meteoriittikraatterin] synnyttänyt törmääjä.
2024-09-11 @ 10.26.35 ∈ In English
2024-03-27 @ 19.10.17 ∈ In English

Bladderwort: How a Carnivorous Plant Could Be Used in Mosquito Control
Bladderwort is a rootless, aquatic plant that uses small sacs to ingest and feed on small underwater creatures, including mosquito larvae. A new study in India finds that the bladderwort Utricularia aurea placed in stagnant pools of water could reduce mosquito larvae abundance by more than 70 percent.
2024-02-17 @ 6.57.18 ∈ In English

Frog sprouts mushroom, stumps the science world
While fungi invasions are fairly common in the small-animal world, this growth appeared to be very different to the zombie parasitic types that spell bad news for their hijacked hosts. […] The scientists noted that the frog appeared healthy and otherwise unbothered by its freeloading fungal companion, which looked to be taking full advantage of the nutrients found on moist amphibian skin.