2024-09-15 @ 15.54.07 ∈ In English

‘The data on extreme human ageing is rotten from the inside out’ – Ig Nobel winner Saul Justin Newman
In general, the claims about how long people are living mostly don’t stack up. I’ve tracked down 80% of the people aged over 110 in the [world]. Of those, almost none have a birth certificate. […] [A] Japanese government review in [2010 found] that 82% of the people aged over 100 in Japan turned out to be dead.
2024-04-26 @ 16.50.15 ∈ In English

Umarell - Wikipedia
Umarell (Italian spelling of the Bolognese Emilian word umarèl, Emilian pronunciation: [umaˈrɛːl]; plural umarî) are men of retirement age who spend their time watching construction sites, especially roadworks – stereotypically with hands clasped behind their back and offering unwanted advice to the workers.
2024-02-27 @ 13.17.41 ∈ In English
2024-02-05 @ 20.10.31 ∈ In English

Getting rid of bed bugs: Trickier than ever
[Tropical] bed bugs have turned up in the United States, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Finland, China, Japan, France, Central Europe, Spain — “even in Russia, which would have once been unthinkable,” says [Chow-Yang] Lee, of the University of California, Riverside.
2023-09-11 @ 20.13.08 ∈ In English

Invasive red fire ants confirmed in Europe for the first time
[A] group of ant experts confirm that the species has made its way to Sicily—the ant's first official sighting in Europe. The ants could soon spread all over the continent, the researchers warn, which could cause major environmental, health, and economic problems in Italy and beyond.
2023-07-26 @ 19.37.53 ∈ Suomeksi

Uusi Euroopan ennätys: Italiassa havaittiin halkaisijaltaan 19-senttinen jättirae - Forecan sääuutiset ja blogi
Massiivisimmat jäämöykyt putosivat Venetsian koillispuolella sijaitsevaan Azzano Decimo -nimiseen kylään, missä suurimman havaitun rakeen halkaisijaksi mitattiin 19 cm. Näin suurten rakeiden putoamisnopeus voi olla jopa yli 160 km/h.