2024-09-16 @ 19.27.59 ∈ In English
2024-09-14 @ 13.22.30 ∈ In English
(From 2023;, eww)

AI and the American Smile
Why do you smile the way you do? A silly question, of course, since it’s only “natural” to smile the way you do, isn’t it? It’s common sense. How else would someone smile? As a person who was not born in the U.S., who immigrated here from the former Soviet Union, as I did, this question is not so simple.
2024-06-23 @ 16.09.10 ∈ In English
2024-02-26 @ 12.08.55 ∈ In English
2024-02-12 @ 16.00.14 ∈ In English
2024-01-16 @ 16.59.33 ∈ In English

Using iNaturalist to learn names in other languages · iNaturalist
Now, you can see common names in multiple languages! iNaturalist has been translated into 57 languages, but many people want to use the platform in one language while learning common names in another. We’ve recently added functionality to address this, allowing you to experience iNaturalist with multilingual common names.
2023-12-11 @ 19.03.16 ∈ In English
2023-10-18 @ 12.45.27 ∈ Suomeksi
2023-10-15 @ 19.37.33 ∈ Suomeksi

Yksi suomen kielen sana kertoo meistä enemmän kuin moni muu – kerro, miten sinä sanot sen
Nyt on aika ottaa selville, millä sanoilla Suomessa tervehditään vuonna 2023 ihan tavallisessa arjessa. Kerro meille alempana, millä sanalla sinä tervehdit ystävääsi ja kaupan kassaa. Laadimme vastauksista kartan, josta näkee, miten ihmiset tervehtivät eri puolilla Suomea.