2024-10-15 @ 12.09.06 ∈ Suomeksi
Pieniä lapsia aletaan rokottaa RS-viruksen varalta Lapissa
Rokotteen saavat alle kolmen kuukauden ikäiset vauvat ja alle vuoden ikäiset riskiryhmiin kuuluvat lapset. Tavoitteena on estää vakavia RS-virusinfektioita ja sairaalahoitoja. Nirsevimabi on pitkävaikutteinen vasta-aine, joka suojaa lapsia RS-virukselta koko talven ajan. Valmisteen ottaminen on vapaaehtoista ja maksutonta.
2024-10-08 @ 11.19.00 ∈ In English
Bias found when drug manufacturers fund clinical trials
Psychiatric drugs are reported to be about 50% more effective in clinical trials funded by the drug’s manufacturer than when trials of the same drug are sponsored by other groups, new research shows. […] "The addition of unpublished trials reduces the effect of sponsorship, and most of the sponsorship effect can be explained by publication bias," [says the author.]
2024-09-28 @ 16.31.56 ∈ In English
Why Scientists Are Puzzled By This Virus
You’ve got trillions of viruses inside you – right now! But these aren’t the viruses you fear. Some of them are your body’s secret protectors, keeping deadly bacteria in check and even killing cancer cells. But what happens when they turn against you? Let's look at the wild world of the human virome.
2024-08-15 @ 16.58.59 ∈ In English
Scientists find humans age dramatically in two bursts – at 44, then 60
The first wave of changes included molecules linked to cardiovascular disease and the ability to metabolise caffeine, alcohol and lipids. The second wave of changes included molecules involved in immune regulation, carbohydrate metabolism and kidney function. Molecules linked to skin and muscle ageing changed at both time points.
2024-07-18 @ 16.53.24 ∈ In English
Twice-yearly HIV drug 100% effective at preventing spread
A twice-a-year injectable drug has been shown to be 100% effective in preventing the spread of HIV, according to the first data from a clinical trial. If approved, the drug offers another preventive option and puts us a step closer to eradicating HIV.
2024-06-21 @ 19.25.49 ∈ In English
World-First Experiment Reveals Why Some People Never Get COVID-19
Where most people mount a rapid immune response against the invading virus in their blood, these volunteers showed a subtle but much faster reaction in their nasal tissues that included the activation of mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells and a drop in inflammatory white blood cells, which cleared the virus before it set in.