2024-06-23 @ 16.09.10 ∈ In English
2024-02-22 @ 10.09.18 ∈ Suomeksi

Death and grief in Swedish children’s books
[Eklund] analyzed hard facts such as author, publisher and date, as well as what the stories showed about the causes of death, funerals, the main character and the characteristics of the person who dies. The study also includes the process of grief following death. She has investigated the words used to describe death, grief and the person who has died.
2022-01-22 @ 22.28.57 ∈ Suomeksi
2021-08-30 @ 20.41.41 ∈ Suomeksi
Jehovan todistajien johtohenkilöille ei syytteitä epäillystä rahankeräysrikoksesta - Syyttäjälaitos
Syyttäjä on katsonut osan rahankeräystoiminnasta rahankeräyslupaa edellyttäväksi rahankeräykseksi. Rahankeräyksen toimeenpanijana tältä osin on kuitenkin ollut Suomessa toimivan Jehovan todistajat uskonnollisen yhteisön sijaan Jehovan todistajien kansainvälinen katto-organisaatio, joka julkaisee Vartiotorni-lehteä ja Jehovan todistajien julkisia internetsivuja.
2021-05-28 @ 12.05.00 ∈ Lorem ipsum

Buddhist monks light candles on Visakha Bucha Day
Buddhist monks light candles to commemorate Visakha Bucha Day, a celebration of the birth, enlightenment and death of the Lord Buddha held on the full moon of the third lunar month in the Buddhist calendar, at Wat Dhammakaya Buddhist temple on the outskirts of Bangkok.
2021-02-11 @ 19.36.24 ∈ In English
2019-09-14 @ 14.40.23 ∈ Suomeksi
2019-04-01 @ 17.33.18 ∈ In English

Bottlegate: Meeting a Governing Body member at the liquor store - YouTube
What happens when a group of religious leaders regularly bombards their followers with HD propaganda videos of themselves? Inevitably, one of them will eventually get caught by a member of the public in a compromising situation. Enjoy the spectacle of Tony Morris, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, as you've never seen him before!