2019-02-12 @ 18.19.28 ∈ Suomeksi
2019-01-24 @ 11.25.18 ∈ In English
2019-01-18 @ 12.34.21 ∈ In English
2019-01-03 @ 13.28.34 ∈ In English
Study shows the Sahara swung between lush and desert conditions every 20,000 years
[This] climatic pendulum is mainly driven by changes to the Earth’s axis as the planet orbits the sun, which in turn affect the distribution of sunlight between seasons — every 20,000 years, the Earth swings from more sunlight in summer to less, and back again.
2019-01-02 @ 15.26.30 ∈ In English
2018-12-25 @ 10.40.24 ∈ In English
No, Cretaceous sharks did not leap from the water to eat flying pterosaurs
As I've outlined here, this is entirely false, and not representative of our ideas at all. Any hope that our paper could be used to broadly communicate some cool ideas about pterosaur ecology, the role of sharks as important predators throughout the Mesozoic, or even the simple fact that pterosaurs could likely swim has been lost behind ridiculous headlines based on erroneous readings of my picture.
2018-12-22 @ 20.24.48 ∈ In English
2018-12-17 @ 19.32.40 ∈ Suomeksi
2018-12-17 @ 16.34.24 ∈ Suomeksi
Maan uumenista paljastui huikea elämän runsaus
Uuden arvion mukaan maapallon kaikista bakteereista ja arkeoneista 70 prosenttia elää maanpinnan alla. Puolentoista kilometrin syvyydestä on löydetty jopa pieniä matoja. Maan pinnan alla oleva syvä biosfääri on tilavuudeltaan lähes kaksi kertaa suurempi kuin kaikki valtameret yhteensä.