2017-07-13 @ 13.29.02 Suomeksi

"Direktiivi määrää, että pankkien on jatkossa sallittava kolmansien osapuolien rajoitettu pääsy esimerkiksi pankkien ylläpitämille maksutileille. Pankin on käytännössä tarjottava rajapinta ulkoisille palveluille. Pankki ei saa veloittaa tästä rajapinnan tarjoamisesta."

2017-07-03 @ 16.05.02 In English

via Kaj Sotala

Raymond Arnold:

> This is interesting as a more visceral and simple example of "what could you accomplish if you just picked a thing and stuck with it."

> At 16, this guy decided to transform a desert sandbar near his home into a forest. Each day he planted another tree. 30 years later he'd turned the desert sandbar into a forest bigger than Central Park.

> Making a forest may not be the thing you want to do, but I think it sets a useful lower bar for thing-you-can-do-with-your-life. You don't need radically rare skills or talents to do it. You just need to decide to. [edit: I guess you also need a sandbar]

> Is whatever you're planning on doing with the next 30 years of your life going to be at least as cool as building a forest bigger than Central Park?

2017-07-02 @ 18.22.46 In English

Kurzgesagt just became the second creator to get a Patreon pledge from me. Weighing these is kind of fun when you're poor: it forces you to contemplate which creators' works you really, truly appreciate, and then, having convinced myself of their value to this degree somehow makes that value feel more real, more concrete, which in turn makes me feel happier ("this good thing truly is good, and it truly, undeniably does exist").