huhtikuu 2023
2023-04-22 @ 17.33.45 ∈ Korvamato
2023-04-21 @ 9.43.56 ∈ In English
Punctuation in literature of major languages is intriguingly mathematical
[The] language characterized by the lowest propensity to use punctuation is English, with Spanish not far behind; Slavic languages proved to be the most punctuation-dependent. […] German punctuation thus seems to combine the punctuation features of many languages, making it a kind of Esperanto punctuation.
2023-04-20 @ 10.17.26 ∈ In English
2023-04-19 @ 17.55.05 ∈ In English
Study shows bird feeding helps small birds fight infection
When the birds were exposed to a simulated infection, all the birds had essentially the same temperature during a fever. Instead of conserving energy to survive the winter, the birds without access to extra food were forced to use more energy in order to raise their body temperature high enough to battle infection.
2023-04-19 @ 17.51.10 ∈ Suomeksi
Tutkimus | Valosaaste vaikuttaa haitallisesti perhosten talvehtimiseen
Valosaaste saa yksilöt läpikäymään muodonvaihdoksen aikuiseksi perhoseksi liian myöhään syksyllä sen sijaan, että ne kehittyisivät talvenkestäviksi koteloiksi. […] Tutkimuksen mukaan kaupunki- ja maaseutupopulaatioiden perhoset reagoivat valosaasteeseen samalla tavalla.