KeyFinder Thing: Retrieve Serial Numbers from your computer

KeyFinder Thing is a simple utility to retrieve the Serial numbers or CD Keys of Microsoft software installed on your system. It includes options to export the list of found keys and a search option to find keys not included by default. Whilst this utility is aimed at Microsoft products, the author have built it to be versatile so he can include other non-MS products. Currently KeyFinder Thing is able to search for serial numbers or CD keys for 90 software titles.

Raymond.CC via Killinki

CDlyse: fast and easy CD/DVD cataloging (Windows)

If you need fast and easy CD/DVD cataloging CDlyse will help you with. Just insert CD/DVD and start CDlyse. All documents and their data will be saved into XML file. CDlyse uses this format of file storing for easier XML files sharing. […] Cataloging, searching, export to Excel, SQL and HTML documents, archiving, easy share and import of XML files are only some of the reasons for using this freeware CD/DVD cataloguer. via Juha

Free WMA to WAV: dbpowerAmp

I normally use BeSweet to convert between audio formats, but it doesn’t do WMA, so I had to find something that can handle it. For some reason almost all of the converters claiming to do this were either shareware or adware-ridden, but dbpowerAmp (via Andrew W) looks like the tool for me. It requires the WMA codec be installed separately and it nagged about the MP3 trial not being activated at least the first time I used it, but apart from that it does the job.

WordPress ja “bad headers Non-encoded 8-bit data”

Jyväskylän yliopiston atk-keskus paikkasi ilmeisesti spamassassinissa (tiedote on niin mitäänsanomaton, että edes tästä ei saa selvää) havaitun aukon asetuksella, joka rikkoo skandeja sisältävät sähköpostiviestien otsikot. WordPress narahti tähän tietysti heti ensimmäisenä: skandeja sisältävällä otsikolla varustettuihin merkintöihin tulevat kommentit heittävät laidasta lukien “bad headers Non-encoded 8-bit data” -herjaa. Kyhäsin pluginintekeleen joka korvaa otsikoiden skandit a:lla ja o:lla WP:n sähköpostittamissa kommenteissa.

Browzar: kusetusta

Kuraattori pani merkille digitodayn uutisen Browzarista. Uutisessa väitetään ihan pokkana tämän tekeleen suojelevan käyttäjiä hävittämällä evästeet ja muut, yksityisyydensuojan kannalta riskialttiit tiedostot. Kuraattori testasi ja totesi, että Browzar jättää evästeet koneelle ihan siinä missä Internet Explorerkin.

Web3.0login mukaan se ei ole edes pahinta: Browzar pakottaa selaajan käyttämään omaa, kaupallisesti vääristeltyjä tuloksia antavaa hakupalveluaan. Kyse on siis ilmeisesti vain silkasta turvallisuushysterialla ja tietoteknisten taitojen vajavuuksilla ratsastavasta rahastushuijauksesta, joka osui ja upposi moneen uutispalveluun ihan täydestä.

Viper’s Video Quicktags

“[This plugin] creates a bunch of new [WYSIWYG buttons which, when pushed, prompt] you for the video’s ID or URL and then inserts XHTML valid code into your post or page. […] This Plugins Provides Support For: via ryanfitzer

I modified the plugin just slightly so that each embedded object gets a named class (e.g. "youtubevideo") which I can then manipulate trough the stylesheet (like centering the video using display: block; and margin: 1em auto;).

Theme Switcher: fixing the theme editor breakage

Version 2.0 of Mr Peer’s Theme Switcher is would be perfect, if it weren’t for the unfortunate breaking of WordPress’ built-in theme editor, causing all requests to open files for editing be redirected to the home page. The problem seems to be the theme parameter, which is used by both the built-in editor and Theme Switcher.

Fixing this issue seemed to be as simple as replacing all isolated mentionings of theme in the plugin source with a new, non-ambiguous keyword. I chose switchto, and the resulting code is available behind the previous link.

So, the parameter to switch themes with this modified version of the plugin is switchto=themename, and this eliminates the problem with the theme editor. Otherwise it should be identical to the original in functionality.

THC, VLC and teletext subtitles

THC really does display teletext subtitles, and even allows you to record them inside a .ts file as long as TS has been selected as format in recording settings, and subtitles as being included in it. Playing them back is possible using VLC by selecting Video > Subtitles Track while playing – I’ve yet to find out how to change the default from not displaying them to displaying the first or any subtitle track found in the stream.

I’m was also looking for a way to somehow demux the subtitles, or better yet, convert them into one of the text file formats typically used with MPEG4-compressed video files, and came across ProjectX, the holy grail of demuxers. Once I found the right teletext page, I was able to demux the subtitles – and there’s a whole list of subtitle output formats to choose from.