cripples player due to pressure from a record label

A recent update of the until-then-excellent player was a downgrade in features. I had assumed this was either by a mistake or just due to my laziness for not searching vigorously enough where those features had been moved to.

I just found out those features have simply been stripped from the player. Yup, gone.

And guess who’s behind it?

We were asked by a major record label to remove these features and it was a choice between removing the features or not receiving their music any more, as well as being sued.

WordPress 2.0.6 Released

“We have a pretty important release available for everyone, it includes an important security fix and it’s recommended that everyone upgrade. […] Here’s what’s new:

  • The aforementioned security fixes.
  • HTML quicktags now work in Safari browsers.
  • Comments are filtered to prevent them from messing up your blog layout.
  • Compatibility with PHP/FastCGI setups.”

WordPress Development Blog via BlogsNow

WriteRoom (Mac) and Dark Room (Windows)

WriteRoom is a full screen, distraction free, writing environment. Unlike standard word processors that focus on features, WriteRoom is just about you and your text. […] Walk into WriteRoom and your busy computer life fades away. The distractions of e-mail, the web, and your thousand desktop icons are gone. Only you and your text remain. This is a place where work gets done and procrastination has no place.

Hog Bay Software via Dägä dägä via Vlk

[Dark Room is basically] a clone of the original WriteRoom that is an OS X (tiger) exclusive application. It is a child of necessity, as there were no viable alternatives in Windows to produce the same behavior. […] The goal of the project is to capture the essence of WriteRoom, while keeping it simple and just as free.

Timed Shutdown (for Windows)

This program can be used to automatically shutdown, restart, log off, disconnect or hibernate your computer. There are four triggers that can be used: at a certain time, after a certain time, when the CPU usage goes down or when you get disconnected from the internet. This means that your computer doesn’t have to be on any longer [than] necessary.

Syötevirtojen lukeminen Google Readerilla

Erkan yllytyksestä päätin kokeilla Google Readeria, ja varsin mainioltahan tämä näin ensimmäisen päivän perusteella vaikuttaa.

Tilausten siirto tähän saakka käyttämästäni BlogBridgestä kävi näppärästi, sillä Google Reader osasi tuoda ne OPML-muotoisesta tiedostosta, ja BlogBridge puolestaan osaa viedä ne sellaiseen. Ainut matkalle tipahtanut tieto olivat skandit yhden guiden (kuten BlogBridge niitä nimittää) tai hakemiston/tagin (kuten Google Reader samaa asiaa nimittää) nimestä (läjästä tuli lj), sekä tieto jo luetuiksi merkityistä teksteistä, mutta muutoin siirto meni mallikkaasti.

Tästä kaiken siirtämisestä selaimeen tulee vain se ongelma, että välilehtiä pitää jatkuvasti olla auki miljoona, ja niiden välillä sompailu alkaa jo käydä työstä. Jo tätä ennen minulla on ollut jatkuvasti auki kahdeksan vakiosivua ja niiden lisäksi erinäinen määrä (yleensä 2-4) sivuja, joille olen aikonut palata joskus lähitulevaisuudessa.