2024-10-02 @ 16.54.14 ∈ In English
(From the ”Nature is metal” dept.)
2024-10-02 @ 16.50.06 ∈ In English

Clearwing tropical moths travel 4,500 miles from Guyana to Port Talbot
[The moths] were spotted on a windowsill in the winter by ecologist Daisy Cadet and her mother Ashleigh in what scientists have described as an "improbable event" that "defies rational explanation". Through DNA analysis, the scientists confirmed the moths were not only a non-UK species, they were also previously unknown to science.
2024-09-15 @ 15.01.39 ∈ Suomeksi
Lämmin sää on saanut hyönteiset vaeltamaan Suomeen ennätysmäärin
Syksyn lämmin sää on saanut aikaan yhden kaikkien aikojen suurimmista hyönteisten syysvaelluksista Suomeen, kertoo STT:lle Oulun yliopiston professori Marko Mutanen. Mutasen mukaan Suomeen on tullut lämpimän ilman mukana hyvin eksoottisia hyönteislajeja, joita täällä ei yleensä esiinny.
2024-09-11 @ 10.26.35 ∈ In English
2024-09-05 @ 11.51.36 ∈ Suomeksi
2024-08-23 @ 11.15.44 ∈ In English

Mosquitoes sense infrared from body heat to help track humans down, study shows
Infrared radiation from a source roughly the temperature of human skin doubled the insects' overall host-seeking behavior when combined with CO2 and human odor. […] It's only in the context of other cues, such as elevated CO2 and human odor that IR makes a [difference;] infrared alone has no impact.
2024-07-05 @ 10.06.59 ∈ Suomeksi

Rauhoitettu kuoriainen löytyi Perämeren saarelta – lisää harvinaisuuksia odottaa löytäjäänsä
Luontopalvelujen meribiologit löysivät Perämeren Satakarilta harvakseltaan esiintyvän meriuposkuoriaislajin. Lajia on etsitty systemaattisesti vain mantereelta, saarten kartoitus todennäköisesti laajentaisi lajin levinneisyysaluetta.
2024-07-05 @ 9.59.36 ∈ In English
2024-05-23 @ 6.32.40 ∈ In English

Community science volunteers can set scientific world abuzz with new bumble bee sightings
Community science volunteers—laypeople with an interest in bees and conservation—significantly contribute to the scientific knowledge of native bumble bees across Canada and the United States, finds a new study by York University.