2024-01-27 @ 12.31.38 ∈ In English
2023-12-16 @ 19.43.04 ∈ Lorem ipsum
(From 2012)
Som Sabadell flashmob - BANCO SABADELL
On the 130th anniversary of the founding of Banco Sabadell we wanted to pay homage to our city by means of the campaign "Som Sabadell" (We are Sabadell) . This is the flashmob that we arranged as a final culmination with the participation of 100 people from the Vallès Symphony Orchestra, the Lieder, Amics de l'Òpera and Coral Belles Arts choirs.
2023-11-22 @ 18.43.33 ∈ Suomeksi
Kun elektronisen musiikin pioneeri Esa Kotilainen toi Suomeen ensimmäisen Minimoogin, soittimen hinnalla olisi saanut henkilöauton
Esa Kotilainen (1946–2023) oli pelimannihenkinen käsityöläinen, ennakkoluuloton raja-aitojen ylittäjä ja pidetty soittokumppani. Jukka Mikkola muistelee kosmista musiikintekijää.
2023-11-07 @ 13.59.14 ∈ Lorem ipsum
2023-09-15 @ 18.03.41 ∈ In English
2023-07-01 @ 20.53.03 ∈ In English
Pace off: NASA Goddard acoustics chamber and US marine band turn up the volume
The acoustics chamber isn't like a concert hall, despite how its name might sound. Instead, the chamber replicates the harsh sound environment of a rocket launch by blasting sound waves at a spacecraft to make sure it can withstand the journey into orbit.