2023-11-02 @ 19.04.40 ∈ In English

Ornithological society to rename dozens of birds—and stop naming them after people
Birds in North America will no longer be named after people, the American Ornithological Society announced Wednesday. […] Rather than review each bird named after a person individually, all such birds will be renamed, the organization announced.
2023-08-29 @ 17.37.55 ∈ In English
2023-06-15 @ 17.05.41 ∈ In English

Urban great tits less stressed than their countryside cousins, finds study
"The great tit's high cognitive capacity means it is highly adaptable, and urban great tits seem to have adapted so well to the new environment that they are not stressed by high population density. Another possible explanation is that it was the most intelligent and most flexible individuals who succeeded in colonizing urban environments in the first place," says Anders Brodin, biologist at Lund University.
2023-06-12 @ 11.07.54 ∈ Suomeksi
2023-06-11 @ 14.05.01 ∈ Suomeksi

HS Ympäristö | Tuulivoimala voi olla kotkalle kohtalokas – jo kymmeniä kuolleita lintuja löydetty
Tuulivoimalan silpomaksi on Suomessa päätynyt tiettävästi 48 merikotkaa, kertoo Hannu Tikkanen Metsähallituksesta. […] Tiettävästi yhtään maakotkaa ei ole vielä Suomessa kuollut tuulivoimalatörmäyksessä, sillä nykyisiä voimaloita ei juuri ole niiden reviireillä.
2023-06-04 @ 12.28.01 ∈ Lorem ipsum
2023-04-20 @ 10.17.26 ∈ In English
2023-04-19 @ 17.55.05 ∈ In English

Study shows bird feeding helps small birds fight infection
When the birds were exposed to a simulated infection, all the birds had essentially the same temperature during a fever. Instead of conserving energy to survive the winter, the birds without access to extra food were forced to use more energy in order to raise their body temperature high enough to battle infection.