2024-05-12 @ 16.54.16 ∈ In English
2024-02-05 @ 20.10.31 ∈ In English

Getting rid of bed bugs: Trickier than ever
[Tropical] bed bugs have turned up in the United States, Sweden, Italy, Norway, Finland, China, Japan, France, Central Europe, Spain — “even in Russia, which would have once been unthinkable,” says [Chow-Yang] Lee, of the University of California, Riverside.
2023-12-19 @ 13.01.11 ∈ In English

Mapping bedbugs: S Korean blockchain engineer fights infestation with data
His fear of bedbugs drove him to create an interactive map that shows the approximate locations of reported infestations across the country, as well as real-time news stories on the issue. The site now receives as many as 50,000 visitors a day, up from around 40 when Kang launched it.
2023-10-27 @ 18.01.18 ∈ In English

Bed bugs are a global problem, yet we still know little about how they spread
[A statistical model shows a significant peak in bed bug cases around August and September each year.] People assume they travel on luggage, but it's never been proven. My previous work in 2017 [proved] that they aggregate in dirty clothes in the absence of humans.
2023-10-12 @ 18.59.11 ∈ In English

Bed Bugs Aren’t Just a Problem In Paris. Here’s Why
A number of factors keep bed bugs surviving and thriving, say entomologists, many of which are directly related to human behavior. Part of the problem may be the way we manage the pests. Unlike mosquitos and ticks, which government groups address with wide-scale, community-wide spraying and eradication efforts, bed bugs are seen more as an individual, rather than a societal, problem.