Avainsanana saavutettavuus

user_s_id translation missing, and redundant in update email template

18. heinäkuuta 2021 klo 15.53
Sijainti: Vianhallintajärjestelmät: iNaturalist
Avainsanat: Brave, Gmail, saavutettavuus

Describe the bug
The email with updates from the last 24 hours lists identifications, and mentions the name of the user having made the ID. The name is apparently supposed to be listed three times (!), but the middle occurrence is ”untranslated”, resulting in it being rendered as ”User S” for all identifications listed in the email.

Screenshot from 2021-07-18 14-58-03 (copy)

Tooltip text for the ”User S” string says ”translation missing: fi.user_s_id”, as I’m using the fi locale, but user_s_id is nowhere to be found in Crowdin, nor in current en.yml, so I suspect this is independent of the locale. The reference to user_s_id is in _update_email_activity.html.

I don’t know if this is doable, but after fixing this broken reference, I’d remove the first (header) mention of the identifier from the email altogether, since it’s followed by a listing of all the new identifiers anyway, so mentioning just the last identifier’s name in the header is redundant and confusing.

Also, rather than fixing/adding the currently broken ”User S” reference in the source, I’d remove it too, since the identifier’s name is already listed (for the third time!) right after the ID.

To Reproduce

  1. Subscibe to email updates.
  2. Have your observations identified in the last 24 hours.
  3. View the email update listing the identifications.

Observed behavior
Screenshot from 2021-07-18 15-21-05

Expected behavior
(A mockup of how the simplified view I’d prefer to receive. Sorry I didn’t have the email in English to base this on.)

Screenshot from 2021-07-18 15-21-05 (copy)

I’m using Gmail with Brave if that’s relevant.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (iNaturalist)

I see, so it’s a result of conflicting indicators from the user

19. joulukuuta 2020 klo 18.41
Sijainti: Vianhallintajärjestelmät: Github
Avainsanat: Mattermost, saavutettavuus

@agnivade Oh I see, so it’s a result of conflicting indicators (”away” vs. being active) from the user. I’m trying to recalibrate my expectation based on this, but it’s difficult.

My immediate thought is perhaps (in the problematic case) sending the notification, but then clearing it only once I start typing (typing appears to have an event associated with it, at least based on the logs) would be better than the immediately clearing ghost notification, but you’re right, this is more complicated than immediately apparent.

Some UI/UX design wizardry would probably be needed to eliminate the possibility of mixed user signals, if at all possible. I don’t have a good solution for now, so feel free to close the issue if you deem it appropriate.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Github)

Kirjautumislomakkeen salasanalle varatussa kentässä on liimauksen esto

19. huhtikuuta 2020 klo 17.38
Sijainti: Muut: Oriolashop
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus, turvallisuus

Kirjautumislomakkeen salasanalle varatussa kentässä on liimauksen esto, jonka takia siihen ei voi kopioida salasananhallintaohjelmassa luotua, vahvaa salasanaa. Se heikentää turvallisuutta, ja suosittelen siksi tämän idioottimaisen ”toiminnon” korjaamista.

Järjestelmä ei myöskään rekisteröitymisen yhteydessä lähettänyt sähköpostiosoitteeni osoitteen varmistusviestiä. Saan tuon tuostakin muille tarkoitettuja viestejä, kun ihmiset kirjoittavat väärän osoitteen tällaisille lomakkeille, eikä kyse ole kirjoitusvirheestä (joiden eliminoimiseksi varten lomake vaatii osoitteen kahteen kertaan), vaan nämä tunarit muistavat osoitteensa väärin. Se varmistusviesti on helppo keino eliminoida nämä virheet.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Oriolashop)

Password handling is broken

27. lokakuuta 2019 klo 13.44
Sijainti: Muut: Transifex
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus, turvallisuus

I just found out that password handling on the Transifex website is broken. After failing to log in with my old password, I requested a password reset, but even after resetting the password back to the old password I still could not log in with it. I then reset it again, and this time used a simplistic password (just fulfilling the silly requirements set by the reset form). This then allowed me to log in.

I then went to my account settings and again set my password back to the old one. I then tried logging in again, and again it failed.

So the password handling is triply broken: it fails to warn me about the requirements for a truly working password, it fails to store a truly strong password, and it fails to prevent the non-working password from being saved, causing a non-working login.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Transifex)

What an unintuitive trick they’ve come up with for that locking mechanism

13. heinäkuuta 2019 klo 12.06
Sijainti: Videosivustot: YouTube
Avainsanat: Dell, saavutettavuus

God, what an unintuitive trick they’ve come up with for that locking mechanism. Thanks for taking one for the team!

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (YouTube)

Problem adding a custom image after removing existing image: no ’Add Image’

28. helmikuuta 2019 klo 17.16
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus

I’m having a problem adding a custom image when the generated preview has already picked up an image. If I remove the automatically linked image, the ’Remove Image’ button remains as such, so there’s no ’Add Image’ button in its place to add the custom image.

As an example, here’s a recorded gif of my attempt to customize the image when linking to this page on Tukes’ website.

With few hints about preview-suitable content provided by that page, Visual Link Preview picks up an overlay image (magnifying glass), which I’d then like to replace with the actual image (a safety reflector) from that page (after already downloading it). But after I click ’Remove Image’ to remove the overlay image, I have no way to add the correct image, because the ’Add Image’ button is missing.

I’m using the current latest release of the plugin (2.0.1) in WP 5.1.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

Another option missing from the man page is -ow

24. helmikuuta 2019 klo 16.36
Sijainti: Vianhallintajärjestelmät: Launchpad
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus

Another option missing from the man page is -ow (for overwriting the input file in-place), available since version 1.7.22.

$ pngcrush 2>&1 | grep -- -ow
    pngcrush -ow [other options] file.png [tempfile.png]
        -ow (Overwrite)

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Launchpad)

Sarkainnäppäin tyhjentää viimeksi kirjoitetun tekstin

19. joulukuuta 2018 klo 16.12
Sijainti: Blogit: Oulun joukkoliikenne
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus

Kun reittihaun (oulu.digitransit.fi) osoitekentässä painaa sarkainnäppäintä, se tyhjentää viimeksi kirjoitetun tekstin (ja palauttaa kentän edellisen sisällön, jos siihen oli aiemmin syötetty jotain). Tämä on jotain ihan muuta kuin sarkainnäppäimeen tavallisesti kytketyt toiminnot: sarkainnäppäimen painalluksella pitäisi joko kursorin hypätä lomakkeen seuraavaan kenttään, tai, jos osoitekenttään syötettyä tekstiä vastaavien ehdotusten luettelo on näkyvillä, syöttää ehdotuksista kohdistettuna oleva teksti osoitekenttään.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (Oulun joukkoliikenne)

Today I received two new copies of the ”Important updates to your Flickr account” email

14. marraskuuta 2018 klo 16.41
Sijainti: Muut: flickr
Avainsanat: Flickr, saavutettavuus, Yahoo!

Last week, after receiving the ”Important updates to your Flickr account” notification email I deleted my Flickr account, associated with my Yahoo account. Today I received two new copies of the ”Important updates to your Flickr account” email. I tried to access the old Flickr account to make sure it has been deleted, but logging in with my Yahoo account only creates a new Flickr account, which is not what I want.

What I want is to have no more email messages sent to me from Flickr.

I also tried logging in using my Gmail address (which also appears to have a Yahoo account associated with it), but opening flickr.com after that also just creates a new Flickr account every time. I keep deleting these accounts, only to be handed a new one every time I go back to flickr.com.

Back in April-May, I received altogether 5 separate messages informing me about the SmugMug ownership business, so something’s clearly not right with your emailing system, or with the records you have of me.

Your email messages should follow the semi-standard practice of including a footer with a clear explanation of why exactly am I receiving the email and what I should do if I wish to stop receiving them. The ToS and Community Guidelines links (currently in the footer) are all but useless in this context.


Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (flickr)

Feature request: searchability

20. lokakuuta 2018 klo 20.49
Sijainti: Keskustelupalstat: WordPress Support Forums
Avainsanat: saavutettavuus, WordPress

Thanks for the excellent plugin! I’ve only had one issue so far: the previews are apparently saved encoded, which makes any decoded preview content unsearchable with WordPress’ search function (whereas searching for a piece of the encoded string brings up the matching post). If you could implement searchability of the decoded content, that’d be great.

Vastaa viestiin sen kontekstissa (WordPress Support Forums)

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