Avainsanana turvallisuus

You’re not superficially motivated

28. helmikuuta 2012 klo 21.00
Sijainti: Blogit: Sitamar
Avainsanat: psykologia, psykopatia, turvallisuus

Thanks for taking the time to answer my comments.

I think a big (though not big enough to be first-time-preventive) difference between you and psychopathic killers is that you’re not superficially motivated. A psychopath has no trouble hurting people in order to gain something relatively trivial — typically grotesque is the seek of sexual gratification.

You’re more of the ”I believe an antisocial act will have a cleansing effect on my soul” type that, upon acting out, either gains the spiritual emancipation they’re after, or realize they’ve just been pursuing a flare. The reason I think so is all this introspection you demonstrate here. I can’t picture you, after committing a bloody act, sitting there, thinking ”well that didn’t do much, maybe I just didn’t do it good enough, big enough?” You’d more likely have your answer there, and wouldn’t have to keep on repeating the act, banging your head against the wall so to speak (as thrill-seeking psychopath would). You’d have made your statement and either it makes an effect on others or it doesn’t. Either way, it’d be out of your hands by then, no use doing it over and over again.

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Felt I had to say something

27. helmikuuta 2012 klo 16.43
Sijainti: Blogit: Sitamar
Avainsanat: turvallisuus

I’ve been keeping a close eye on your posts lately and felt I had to say something, just so you know that it’s not like no one cares, like these morbid thoughts you have fall completely unto deaf ears. There’s little I (or anyone, as you said yourself) can do about them as long as no lives are directly at risk, but what’s always kept me from going forward with such ideas is I imagine it’d feed horribly anticlimactic once you cross that line. Nothing, especially the internal craving won’t have changed, you’ll see that the wheel of the world still keeps on whirling. It’ll just now go on without you (once the karma of your actions hits you), and no matter how much damage you do, you are still bound for oblivion just like everyone else.

Is there anything you include in these thoughts about what you’d want it to look like, how you’d want people to react, a message of some kind? Is it the ”I’m smarter than you” or is that just a bonus?

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Missing the 2004 Istanbul–Ankara express crash

13. helmikuuta 2012 klo 19.24
Sijainti: Wikit: Wikipedia
Avainsanat: Turkki, turvallisuus

The list seems to be missing the Istanbul–Ankara express crash of 2004: ”July 23, 2004 – An Istanbul–Ankara express with 230 people on board, derails at Pamukova, Sakarya Province, Turkey and the carriages overturn, according to Turkish government official confirmed, killing at least 38 people, injuring another 80.”

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Thanks for the Google Music Manager application-specific password solution

9. tammikuuta 2012 klo 19.31
Sijainti: Blogit: Google
Avainsanat: Gnome, Google Music, turvallisuus, Ubuntu

@Roger: Thanks for the solution. On Ubuntu Precise, GMM seems to use /usr/local/share/applications instead of /usr/share/applications for the desktop file (there’s also a copy in /opt/google/musicmanager/, but it’s apparently just used for installing the effective file into /usr/local/).

@Nuno: I’m not sure I see the point of encrypting the application-specific password, and then be prompted to enter the key for decrypting the password. Isn’t it more straightforward to just specify the application-specific password when GMM prompts you to? Actually, with the caveat that specifying the password on the commandline means exposing it to trusted users, isn’t having GMM prompt for it a *better* solution securitywise? I guess you do get the benefit of getting to specify your own password which can be as easily memorizable as you dare use though (the application-specific passwords are difficult). Instead of OpenSSL I’d probably use GNOME Keyring, as it gets unlocked during login without an extra prompt for another password. Then pick the key for GMM using gkeyring.

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You could go about it the other way round

12. joulukuuta 2011 klo 18.45
Sijainti: Muut: Ask Ubuntu
Avainsanat: Policy Kit, turvallisuus

If it’s consistency and not specifically gksu-like behaviour you’re after, you could go about it the other way round by using gksu-polkit instead of gksu.

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Googlen tässä ilmeisesti tekemä virhe on siinä

28. marraskuuta 2011 klo 17.56
Sijainti: Blogit: Google
Avainsanat: turvallisuus

Googlen tässä ilmeisesti tekemä virhe on siinä, ettei tuon valinnan seurauksista varoiteta riittävän vakavasti. En ole itse saanut vielä tällaista valintaa eteeni (enkä ehkä saakaan, sillä olen jo YouTuben ikärajoitusten takia siellä ilmoittanut olevani täysi-ikäinen), mutta mikäli siinä ei suurin tulipunaisin kirjaimin kerrota, että menetät kaiken mitä Googlen orjana voi menettää, ja pyydetä vahvistusta kahteen kertaan (joista toinen mieluusti sähköpostitse tai vieläkin mieluummin matkapuhelimitse), sen on pakko olla liian huomaamaton.

Tämä on hyvä muistutus siitä miksi kaupallisiin toimijoihin, edes Googleen ei lopultakaan kannata luottaa. Ei sillä, ettäkö exme sellaista muistutusta olisi kaivannut, mutta ehkä me muut…

Voisin kyllä itsekin vielä blogata tästä varoituksen. Jos jokukaan välttyy sen luettuaan samalta, se on sen arvoista.

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This really needs to be fixed at the BIOS level

25. syyskuuta 2011 klo 22.43
Sijainti: Vianhallintajärjestelmät: Launchpad
Avainsanat: Linux, turvallisuus

According to my understanding and based on what Jonas wrote above and also [1], doing the freeze post-BIOS would be useless securitywise; it’s not even a workaround, as any malicious software then just inserts itself into the MBR. This really needs to be fixed at the BIOS level to be effective at all.

[1] http://www.coreboot.org/pipermail/coreboot/2005-May/011688.html

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There is a difference in you compared with them

7. syyskuuta 2011 klo 19.51
Sijainti: Blogit: Sitamar
Avainsanat: Matti Saari, Pekka-Eric Auvinen, turvallisuus

Based on what I know of the Finnish incidents (which is not much, I admit) there is a pointed difference in you compared with them: you’re very much aware of all this and of the consequences it might or may at some point have, and despite being ignored by (IRL?) people you’re still making it known not only in circles that only approve of and encourage those disastrous consequences. I’m not sure of your age, but your awereness could be due to the fact that you’ve not had the opportunity to act your fantazies out as early as Saari and Auvinen did, which has given you time to work things out more. So you have no need for a half-assed übermensch philosophy to support how you feel; instead you know you’re a murderer in the making, produced by the society and by the evil of your juvenile peers.

(Not sure if I had a point in there somewhere. Just stream of consciousness I guess, thoughts brought on by what you wrote.)

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I can all too easily see this being used against me at some point

1. elokuuta 2011 klo 21.52
Sijainti: Blogit: Sitamar
Avainsanat: turvallisuus

so they’ll wet their pants and then get very very angry when just being hit by pieces of plastic… xD

Okay, I lol’d, though I can all too easily see this being used against me at some point. x)

About physical violence: you sound pretty sure that it would quench your thirst for blood, but do you actually know that? I mean, have you ever experienced it first-hand? I’ve cultivated such desires myself sometimes, but as I’ve never actually encountered brutal violence in my life, let alone used it, it’s impossible for me to say whether what I’ve dreamt of would actually feel the way I’ve fantasized it to feel.

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Here’s a related link I just came across that you might find interesting

27. heinäkuuta 2011 klo 20.23
Sijainti: Blogit: Sitamar
Avainsanat: turvallisuus

Here’s a related link I just came across that you might find interesting: Aselain hiplaajat (in Finnish).

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