2022-09-13 @ 17.22.25 ∈ In English
2022-02-15 @ 18.14.14 ∈ Suomeksi
2021-12-21 @ 13.52.47 ∈ In English
Genetic determinants of liking and intake of coffee and other bitter foods and beverages - Scientific Reports
In summary, our genetic analysis suggests the psychostimulant effects of caffeine outweighs the bitterness of caffeine. A greater preference for caffeine based on genetic differences in the physiological effects of caffeine leads to a stronger preference for the taste/smell of coffee and dark chocolate. Similarly, greater sensitivity to the adverse physiological effects of caffeine was associated with avoiding the taste of coffee.
2021-12-14 @ 12.59.15 ∈ In English
Hannah Ritchie on Twitter
A topic where I see one of the biggest gaps between public opinion & recommendations from scientists is palm oil 🌴🦧 Companies often boycott palm oil to look sustainable to consumers. But a ban is rarely the recommendation from experts. 🧵on why it’s a complex topic
2021-11-16 @ 12.06.07 ∈ Suomeksi
2021-10-15 @ 15.47.27 ∈ Suomeksi
2021-09-25 @ 19.34.08 ∈ Suomeksi
Jättikasvikset ottivat toisistaan mittaa Mäntsälässä – SM-kisan voitti kurpitsa, joka painaa 306,2 kiloa
Yli kuusikiloinen lanttu, lähes kolmikiloinen punajuurikas, useita kiloja painavat kaalit ja monet muut vihannekset kilpailivat omissa sarjoissaan vuoden 2021 suurimman vihanneksen tittelistä (siirryt toiseen palveluun).