Conan O’Brien, please hate my homeland!
#1953. Keskiviikko, 15. helmikuuta 2006 klo 10.00.57, kirjoittanut Jani. 4
Dear Mr. O’Brien, #
I saw you on the Telvis awards ceremony, and heard your kind words on the friendliness of the Finnish people. So I am writing to you now to express my hopes that you do not feel any sort of pity when featuring our country on your show. #
The way I see it, there are two kinds of people in this country when it comes to your show. There are those of us who are not afraid of being slammed by your irony and the wonderfully delicious sarcastic jokes. I believe these are the people who so enthusiastically approached you during the first “Conan O’Brien hates my homeland” -skits; they - we - find such vicious humor very appealing even, if not especially, when directed at us, and we are not impaired by our sensibilities. #
But there’s another group, which is just as eager to hear you say nasty things about their beloved country, but their motivation for it is of different nature: they are just waiting for a chance to begin grunting how badly we’ve been depicted once again. This bunch of people seems to lack all sense of self irony, if not even all sense of humor. Unfortunately, it seems we are lead by such people: as the recent Muhammad cartoon controversy spread, and people throughout Europe expressed their support for freedom of expression, all we heard in Finland was condemning and apologetic voices, culminating in a sad apology made by our chicken shit prime minister. The fucking prime minister of Finland, with absolutely no authority to speak for Finns such as myself! #
This is the reason why I’d very much enjoy seeing you do your best in bashing our country. It’ll be sad to see those humorless people take the opportunity to express their feeling of let-down when you did not love them back, as they tried to suck up to love you. But as you can see, we, the ones with a sense of humor here are in a no-win situation, so at least we can take this opportunity to laugh at our country together with you. Because, if those other people had their way, you’d only be allowed to say nice things about us and otherwise you should shut up. #
Finally, I’d like to thank you for your excellent show. Like you said when interviewed by a Finnish morning show, with all the seriousness and serious people in the world, what we need is more silly people like you. #
Sincerely yours,
Jani Uusitalo
a Finland-hating Finn #
[muokkaus][klo]16.2. 13:10[/klo] Lisäsin linkin Suomalaiseen LNWCO -blogiin (via Sara)[/muokkaus]
[/muokkaukset] #
The “cutesy-poo” nature of O’Brien’s visit to Finland became sickening surprisingly quickly. Everything was so great and everyone so friendly and this is such a beautiful, beautiful country and…
The Finnish ruined Conan. They made him look like a puppet.
I’m still hoping he was just pretending to be nice while here, and that it’ll change once he gets back behind his desk.
Actually there are three kind of people in Finland regarding Conan’s show: some of us think he’s ok but nothing special and they watch the show only by coincidence (or when there’s shown something of the visit to Finland :-).
Wait! There’s four kind of …
1-bit binary brain does not compute. All things one or zero. Black or white. This or that. Us or them.
No grey area. No intermediate forms.