Star Trek -vitsi
#2164. Torstai, 27. huhtikuuta 2006 klo 17.43.14, kirjoittanut Jani. 0
Sorry, mutta tätä ei voi 1) olla nostamatta esille eikä 2) suomentaa jutun jujun siitä rankasti kärsimättä. #
“The reason they never showed the bathrooms on the Enterprise was that it would be too disorienting for viewers. You see, Geordi had reversed the polarity of the artificial gravity and mounted the ‘fixtures’ on the new floor, which was actually the ceiling. #
Why? So the crew of the Enterprise could go where no one had gone before.” #
dave fitz toukokuun 11., 2003 11:49 PM “Top 10 Things I Hate About Star Trek” -merkinnän kommenteissa (Happy Fun Pundit via TSOB) #