#368. Tiistai, 3. elokuuta 2004 klo 12.24.00, kirjoittanut Jani. 1
Aluksi lavastettu tulos: #
Results of Your Jealousy Test #
Your score = 100
What does your score mean? #
Most people experience a certain amount of fear that their loved one could leave them for someone else. After all, these things happen, and when they do, it is usually very painful. You, however, are slightly more preoccupied than most with the thought of losing your partner, whether that fear is conscious or subconscious. While you are not living in a constant state of fear, your jealousy may be putting a strain on your relationship…especially if your partner is not willing to play along. Some work on your self-esteem and communication skills could help you to feel stronger and more independent. In turn, you would realize that if you ever lost your mate to someone else, you could survive with your dignity intact. Even though you might love your partner very much, s/he is not the only fish in the sea and you would eventually find happiness with someone else. This realization would give you a sense of security and the strength to trust, allowing you to be more comfortable in the relationship. That, in turn, would boost the chances of a lasting and fulfilling relationship. #
Discovery Health: “Jealousy Test […] for Heterosexual Men” #
Lavastin tuon nähdäkseni, että oliko 100 pistettä edes mahdollinen, koska oma, todellinen tulokseni oli näin alhainen: #
Results of Your Jealousy Test #
Your score = 58
What does your score mean? #
Most people experience a certain amount of fear that their loved one could leave them for someone else. After all, these things happen, and when they do, it is usually very painful. You fit right into this usual range - certain situations may spark feelings of jealousy, but generally you are not preoccupied with the fear of losing your partner. If you were honest with yourself while taking the test, this means that you are secure, strong, independent and rational enough to recognize the possibility of losing your partner to someone else, but not be consumed by it. That does not mean that you do not care; you would certainly be as sad or crushed as anybody else. However, you know that if it ever happens, you will survive with your self-esteem and dignity intact. You realize that even though you might love your partner very much, s/he is not the only fish in the sea, and that you would eventually find happiness with someone else. Such feelings give you a sense of security and the strength to trust, and allow you to be comfortable in the relationship. That, in turn, boosts the chances of a lasting and fulfilling relationship. #
ed. #
100 pistettä saavuttaa ilmeisesti sillä strategialla, että jokainen loukkaus maksetaan takaisin samalla mitalla, tai fyysisellä väkivallalla: #
“Your wife/girlfriend and you are at a party. An attractive man is flirting with her and she seems to be flirting back. How would do you react? #
- I would get up and beat the crap out of the man.”
ed. #
Täytyy kyllä todeta että tämä on tosi poliittisesti korrektisti muotoiltu, eli tuosta tarkoituksellisesti hankkimastani 100 pisteen kuvauksesta tunnistan itseni, tästä 58 pisteen kuvauksesta en ollenkaan. Ja silti tiedän että on olemassa vielä minuakin pahemmin mustasukkaisia ihmisiä, eli asteikko loppuu kesken yläpäästään, ja itselleen vahingollisen mustasukkaiset ihmiset kuten minä saavat testistä normaalin tulokset (jollaisiksi tässä oletan pisteet 40-60). Tai sitten Amerikoissa ei olla niin mustasukkaisia kuin Suomessa. #
Tämä testi oli miehille tarkoitettu. Pitääkin katsoa, löytyykö naisille samaa testiä ja millä strategialla nainen saa mustasukkaisen leiman sen mukaan. #
Lisäys: Naisille tarkoitettu testi vaatii sielun myymistä. Ei kiitos. #
Lisäys: Nyt löytyi tuo sama testi naistenversiona. #
[muokkaus][klo]12:28[/klo] Löysin alkuperäistä vastaavan testin naistenversion.
[muokkaus][klo]12:55[/klo] Löysin naisten testin.
[muokkaus][klo]16.10. 16:36[/klo] Viilasin muotoa. Irrotin lisäykset muutoshistoriasta. Lisäsin muutoshistorian piilotusvekottimen. Aikaisin tunnilla, koska ilmeisesti jä tämän tekoaikoihin on Bloggerin kello kussut.
[muokkaus][klo]27.1.2009 19:50[/klo] Muotoilin WP:lle, päivitin tyyliä ja linkit.
[/muokkaukset] #
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