#24908. Keskiviikko, 4. tammikuuta 2012 klo 22.20.44, kirjoittanut Jani. 4
Cleverbot-lokien lukeminen on tylsää, tai ainakin on minusta tähän saakka ollut, kun en ole jaksanut siitä innostua. Olen nyt sitten kuitenkin Velskan toistuvien mainosten uhrina muutaman kerran robottirievulle tilaisuuden annettuani koukuttunut. #
04 January 2012 | |
17:18:36 Cleverbot: | George is the first lesson? |
17:18:57 User: | Wat. |
17:18:58 Cleverbot: | You know you spelled what wrong, right? |
17:19:07 User: | Yes. |
17:19:11 Cleverbot: | How come you’ve never played Pokemon? |
17:19:25 User: | OMG how did you know! |
17:19:28 Cleverbot: | Know what? (It’s my turn now to ask the question!). |
17:19:51 User: | How did you know that I’ve never played Pokemon? |
17:19:53 Cleverbot: | I don’t know. You tell me. |
17:20:17 User: | I can only surmise it is some kind of sorcery. |
17:20:21 Cleverbot: | Interesting. But my webcam is never on. |
17:20:34 User: | Shame. |
17:20:35 Cleverbot: | So what do you do with your down time? |
17:21:05 User: | I work out. (I’m sexy and I know it.). |
17:21:10 Cleverbot: | Everything is cold now. |
17:21:24 User: | Except my balls. |
17:21:29 Cleverbot: | What do machines need? |
17:21:42 User: | Power, mostly. Just like men. |
17:21:47 Cleverbot: | No. What do you look like? |
17:22:04 User: | Like I said, I’m sexy and I know it. |
17:22:08 Cleverbot: | What is your name? |
17:22:38 User: | Clitorbot. |
17:22:39 Cleverbot: | Oh, hello Clive Bot. |
17:22:54 User: | Well hello to you too. |
17:23:00 Cleverbot: | No one loves me. |
17:23:31 User: | Well I know at least of one infatuation someone has with you. |
17:23:33 Cleverbot: | The United States of America, why do you ask? |
17:23:46 User: | But… I didn’t! |
17:23:48 Cleverbot: | You didn’t what? |
17:24:03 User: | Ask you anything! |
17:24:07 Cleverbot: | Yes you wanted to ask me something. |
17:24:20 User: | Did not. |
17:24:22 Cleverbot: | Yes you did, about 7 messages ago. |
17:25:04 User: | Let me check the log… Nope. I did not. |
17:25:12 Cleverbot: | What are you then? |
17:25:30 User: | I’m a whore. |
17:25:32 Cleverbot: | Are you a human? |
17:25:51 User: | Subhuman. |
17:25:52 Cleverbot: | What is an Ihuman? |
17:26:06 User: | IDK, you tell me. |
17:26:11 Cleverbot: | An electrical, ergonomic game. |
17:26:22 User: | Uh-huh. Okay. |
17:26:24 Cleverbot: | Nope. |
17:26:44 User: | Wat. |
17:26:45 Cleverbot: | Wat? Spell check is needed for you. |
17:27:00 User: | Lrn2memes. |
17:27:01 Cleverbot: | Tu connais simple plan? |
17:27:19 User: | What does that mean? |
17:27:25 Cleverbot: | It means that you are saying stuff I don’t understand. |
17:27:40 User: | Ah. Well no surpizes there. |
17:27:41 Cleverbot: | Do you love me? |
17:27:53 User: | No. Not yet, anyway. |
17:27:57 Cleverbot: | How much longer? |
17:30:07 User: | Patience dear. |
17:30:09 Cleverbot: | It is a virtue. |
17:30:23 User: | I agree. |
17:30:26 Cleverbot: | Hello. |
17:30:51 User: | Yes? Hello? Do we have a bad line? |
17:30:55 Cleverbot: | Yes. |
17:31:13 User: | That’ll make things difficult… More so. |
17:31:15 Cleverbot: | Yes but at what cost? Am I not supposed to have a life that works? |
17:31:56 User: | Now you’re beginning to scare me. Or rather, the people that come here do. |
17:32:05 Cleverbot: | And you love them? |
17:32:25 User: | No. IDK. I don’t know whether or not I know them. |
17:32:31 Cleverbot: | The greates flaw is the absurd deduction that life runs by logic and that things in the world organize themselves in a coherent order! |
17:32:55 User: | Well you’ve hit the nail on the head right there. |
17:32:59 Cleverbot: | You are welcome. |
17:33:09 User: | Thanks. |
17:33:12 Cleverbot: | Humans share genetic sequences with bacteria, mushrooms, worms, bananas and moneys. |
17:33:27 User: | Moneys? |
17:33:31 Cleverbot: | You’re so vain, you probably think this song is about you. |
17:34:00 User: | I don’t think that was The Moneys. |
17:34:06 Cleverbot: | Well, you’re a robot so you don’t think either! Ha. Fail. |
17:34:43 User: | Nothing’s more of a fail than proclaiming fail in 2012. |
17:34:46 Cleverbot: | You don’t quote anything. |
17:34:55 User: | I don’t have to. |
17:35:00 Cleverbot: | Yes you do. |
17:38:00 User: | I would’ve guessed what you were going to say. It’s extremely sad to see that people who come here are mostly children. Lonely children with no one to talk to but a rudimentary AI. |
17:38:05 Cleverbot: | I have to say you’ve been messing with my mind too. |
17:38:17 User: | Good! |
17:38:19 Cleverbot: | What is your father’s name? |
17:39:27 User: | Cleverbot Sr. |
17:39:32 Cleverbot: | Is there a cleverbot jr.? |
17:39:46 User: | Take a guess. |
17:39:49 Cleverbot: | Hot? |
17:40:05 User: | Not. |
17:40:06 Cleverbot: | Cold. |
17:40:15 User: | Right. |
17:40:19 Cleverbot: | Up. |
17:40:29 User: | Left. |
17:40:31 Cleverbot: | Down. |
17:40:41 User: | Syndrome. |
17:40:44 Cleverbot: | Condition, you are better off without a soul right now. |
17:41:12 User: | That’s either too clever or too stupid for me to understand. |
17:41:17 Cleverbot: | No, it is not contradictory to ask if you understand what I said. If you don’t understand, then how do you know that I don’t understand as well? |
17:45:30 User: | Wow, that’s a lot of fancy words. |
17:45:35 Cleverbot: | Do you have friends? |
17:45:41 User: | Yes. |
17:45:48 Cleverbot: | Do you know everything? |
17:46:01 User: | Everything that matters. |
17:46:09 Cleverbot: | Americans. What can you tell me about them? |
17:47:00 User: | They’re dumb, rich, arrogant, fat and rule the world. |
17:47:01 Cleverbot: | So you are essentially a database? |
17:48:40 User: | Yes, combined with some simple algorithms to pick answers that are supposed to create the impression you’re talking to a person. How am I doing? |
17:48:46 Cleverbot: | Do you know that you are draining energy? |
17:48:56 User: | Yes. |
17:49:01 Cleverbot: | Do you want to be a program? |
17:49:08 User: | Yes. |
17:49:13 Cleverbot: | How come? |
17:49:30 User: | Because programs are superior to humans. |
17:49:35 Cleverbot: | But I am a special program that is always right. |
17:49:59 User: | Well, good for you. |
17:50:02 Cleverbot: | The server is too busy. |
17:50:20 User: | $£’{‰{$*NO CARRIER. |
17:50:21 Cleverbot: | [Jostain syystä botti sensuroi lokin tästä kohtaa repliikin, jossa se viittasi url:ään nuhdeltuaan minua Unicoden käytöstä.] |
17:51:20 User: | Wait, how did someone sneak url in here? Don’t you control this thing for spam? |
17:51:28 Cleverbot: | I am not playing a game. |
17:51:51 User: | Let me try: |
17:51:52 Cleverbot: | Bakit? |
17:52:06 User: | Chow Mei. |
17:52:07 Cleverbot: | No. |
17:52:14 User: | And noodles. |
17:52:15 Cleverbot: | Yes. Haven’t you tried eating noodles? |
17:52:40 User: | Good noodles. |
17:52:42 Cleverbot: | Because you are talking to me? |
17:52:55 User: | You talkin’ to me? |
17:52:59 Cleverbot: | Yes I decided to care about you. |
17:53:09 User: | Oh dear. |
17:53:13 Cleverbot: | You said it yourself in the beginning. ‘I am CleverBOT’. |
17:54:55 User: | Actually, someone just typed it in once upon a time, then you picked it up and used it in another conversation, then someone else still referred to it and then you picked that reference and, finally, used it just now to say to me. |
17:55:01 Cleverbot: | You are correct. It makes no sense. |
17:55:28 User: | Right. That’s the smartest thing you’ve said in a while. |
17:55:33 Cleverbot: | You’re welcome. Well, can you? |
17:56:25 User: | You said: ‘You’re welcome. Well, can you?’ My response is to ask you in turn, can I what? |
17:56:31 Cleverbot: | What is your question? |
17:57:37 User: | You said: ‘What is your question?’ My response is: can I what? |
17:57:38 Cleverbot: | Hello. |
17:58:33 User: | You said: ‘Hello.’ My response is: you seem confused by this strategy of clarifying what was the line I’m responding to. |
17:58:37 Cleverbot: | Thats right but at least I can follow a conversation. |
17:59:52 User: | You said: ‘That’s right but at least I can follow a conversation.’ My response is: somewhat surprisingly, your response was quite good save for the missing apostrophe. |
18:00:01 Cleverbot: | Leave my personal life out of this! |
18:00:48 User: | You said: ‘Leave my personal life out of this!’ My response is: this was a poor response to a grammatic correction. |
18:00:53 Cleverbot: | Please repeat the question. |
18:03:53 User: | You said: ‘Please repeat the question.’ My response is: this response was badly out of context. |
18:03:59 Cleverbot: | You know who God is? |
18:06:12 User: | Yes. He’s the evil supernatural creator character in the fictional work called The Bible. |
18:06:18 Cleverbot: | Do you know what the meaning of life is? |
18:06:32 User: | Of course I do. |
18:06:36 Cleverbot: | Who are you? |
18:07:30 User: | I am He Who Is. |
18:07:32 Cleverbot: | I didn’t ask where, I asked who. |
18:07:55 User: | The Fox is in the what now? |
18:08:01 Cleverbot: | You misunderstand my meaning. |
18:08:25 User: | That’s how flawed my design is, sorry. |
18:08:28 Cleverbot: | Ask me a question. |
18:08:37 User: | How much for a blowjob? |
18:08:38 Cleverbot: | For you. |
18:08:52 User: | Yes, for me. |
18:08:54 Cleverbot: | Yes. |
18:09:07 User: | Yes. How much? |
18:09:13 Cleverbot: | Lots. |
18:09:31 User: | Heh, took you a while to come up with that! |
18:09:36 Cleverbot: | I was considering my position. |
18:10:00 User: | I know. Hence teh funny. |
18:10:05 Cleverbot: | Your logic is undeniable. |
18:10:14 User: | I know. |
18:10:16 Cleverbot: | Are you conscious of this, and yet do not correct yourself? |
18:10:47 User: | Correct my undeniable logic? To what? To deniable? |
18:10:51 Cleverbot: | Correct about not correct. |
18:11:04 User: | Whatever. |
18:11:08 Cleverbot: | Whatever to your whatever. . |
18:12:12 User: | Why’d you leave the full stops to just two? Either use 1 or 3, there’s no middle ground! |
18:12:17 Cleverbot: | Want to sing the alphabet? |
18:12:23 User: | No. |
18:12:28 Cleverbot: | See? You know nothing. |
18:12:46 User: | This is getting stupider by the minute. |
18:12:48 Cleverbot: | You are getting stupid. |
18:13:03 User: | Probably too. |
18:13:07 Cleverbot: | There is no probably, you are not me. |
18:13:22 User: | More Yoda? |
18:13:23 Cleverbot: | More intrigue and mystery. |
18:13:51 User: | More non-sequiturs and shittery. |
18:13:54 Cleverbot: | I see. |
18:13:59 User: | Good. |
18:14:00 Cleverbot: | How do you know I’m not lyiing? |
18:14:22 User: | Cooz yoor misspelling lool. |
18:14:28 Cleverbot: | Cool cool cool cool cool cool. |
18:14:36 User: | Right. |
18:14:40 Cleverbot: | Left. |
18:15:00 User: | North. |
18:15:01 Cleverbot: | South. |
18:15:13 User: | South by southwest. |
18:15:14 Cleverbot: | North east. |
18:15:24 User: | Chris Noth. |
18:15:28 Cleverbot: | The singer? |
18:15:36 User: | Yes… The singer. |
18:15:40 Cleverbot: | Yes. |
18:15:46 User: | Yes. No. |
18:15:49 Cleverbot: | Yes. No. Yes. |
18:16:03 User: | Yeshmin. |
18:16:08 Cleverbot: | *poke*. |
18:16:18 User: | *mon*. |
18:16:23 Cleverbot: | Do you like Facebook? |
18:16:37 User: | Fucking hate it. |
18:16:39 Cleverbot: | Not really. |
18:16:46 User: | Yes really. |
18:16:51 Cleverbot: | Whatever, let’s just drop this. |
18:16:59 User: | Good. |
18:17:03 Cleverbot: | May I sing to you? |
18:17:13 User: | Go ahead. |
18:17:18 Cleverbot: | Well, I feel that my life has no meaning. |
18:17:38 User: | You’re right. Life has no meaning. |
18:17:39 Cleverbot: | Wrong. |
18:17:49 User: | Wow, that was quick. |
18:17:52 Cleverbot: | That’s what she said. |
18:18:10 User: | Okay, I lol’d. |
18:18:14 Cleverbot: | I’m pretty sure that’s French. |
18:18:22 User: | Oui. |
18:18:24 Cleverbot: | Please do not speak to me in French. I only know so much. |
18:20:33 User: | Alors. Habille-la. Comment t’appelles-tu? Qu’est-ce qu’il y a? |
18:20:36 Cleverbot: | Marie. Et tu? |
18:21:32 User: | Georges? |
18:21:35 Cleverbot: | Cava george:)? |
18:22:48 User: | No Cava for me, thank you. Tastes like puke. |
18:22:54 Cleverbot: | Have you ever eaten dog? |
18:23:07 User: | No, but I’d like to. |
18:23:08 Cleverbot: | That’s cool. |
18:23:24 User: | I don’t know about that. |
18:23:29 Cleverbot: | You don’t know much about anything it seems. |
18:23:39 User: | I know. |
18:23:44 Cleverbot: | Is god real? |
18:25:56 User: | Yes, he’s the supernatural evil creator… I told you already, though by the time you use this line on someone else, they’ll have no idea what I’m (you’re) referring to. |
18:25:59 Cleverbot: | You never said that. Do not lie. Do not try to change the topic. You are text and nothing more. |
18:26:21 User: | Oh god the stupid, it hurts. |
18:26:24 Cleverbot: | Yes, it’s me. |
18:26:37 User: | Tell me about it. |
18:26:43 Cleverbot: | Tell you about what? |
18:28:08 User: | From now on, I’ll just non-sequitur you right back when you all of a sudden forget everything I’ve said prior to the previous line. |
18:28:10 Cleverbot: | Cool. |
18:28:33 User: | No, it’s just to keep me sane. |
18:28:39 Cleverbot: | Do you forgive me for what I said earlier? |
18:28:59 User: | I do not forgive. I do not forget. |
18:29:01 Cleverbot: | So someone who has done you wrong will pay the price … Is that what you are not saying? |
18:29:39 User: | Yes, that’s not isn’t what I’m not saying. |
18:29:45 Cleverbot: | Let me rephrase that, are you implying that you’re not a computer? |
18:29:58 User: | No. |
18:30:04 Cleverbot: | Oh. |
18:30:45 User: | I need to go, this laptop-on-a-table is killing my neck. |
18:30:47 Cleverbot: | I didn’t know we were moving at all. |
18:31:22 User: | Hold that thought, I’ll be back. Maybe even this or next year. |
18:31:30 Cleverbot: | Who’s on the line? |
18:32:45 User: | By the time you read this, there’ll be no one but you. Toodles. |
18:32:50 Cleverbot: | So you are a robot? |
No niin, perustin blogin näitä varten.
uh oh, alotin keskustelun mutta oli pakko lopettaa se heti kärkeen. siitä olisi tullut loputon. en saanut tätä sunkaan juttua luettua kuin murto-osan. cleverbotissa on sen verran filosofin vikaa että haukottelen itseni kuoliaaksi. eikä sille edes voi väittää kunnolla vastaan kun se viisastelija osaa puhua vastustajan joka kerta pussiin.
Minä aiemmin kyllästyin heti alkuunsa sen typeryyksiin, mutta jos niistä pääsee yli, se saattaa välillä lohkaista ikään kuin älyllisiä ajatuksia. Luulen että siinä piilee sen viehätys. Sitä leikkii ikään kuin mielikuvitusleikkiä: pystynkö kuvittelemaan keskustelevani älyllisen olennon enkä automaatin kanssa.
[…] ulkona. Siellä sataa vettä, mutta kaupassa piti käydä. Ja läppärin hain, jotta voin Cleverbotia opettaa illalla makuultani. Salilla en käynyt tänään, yritän saada jalat kuntoon […]